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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. I'm making a joke. Jubilee is when a ram horn is blown, and all debts are forgiven.
  2. Everyone hates Christian Nationalsm until the ram horn is blown to start the beginning of Jubilee.
  3. The Sword of Damocles stuff here. Be at the top, your choices get people killed, you'll have to live that some will kill you.
  4. I felt her face was thoroughly eaten, but you are right it also belongs their.
  5. I was thinking Cabin in the Woods myself.
  6. I was thinking it's been years since I've seen Scary Movie 3, and thought how long has it been since a good parody movie come out? What was the last good parody movie?
  7. It's not the wait time in Canada, it's their MAID services that ask people if they'd just like to kill themselves, cause it's cheaper to kill them than to help them. Some of the bigger examples. https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867 https://aleteia.org/2022/12/07/disabled-canadian-veteran-says-she-was-offered-suicide-in-lieu-of-chair-lift Socialize loss, capitalize gains, as you've said that our system is, and that's true. It's the worst of both worlds.
  8. "You just ate that pumpkin pie?" "The whole family did. It was lovely." "Anything with pumpkin in it he deserves the death penalty." *cocks gun
  9. I mean I just look north where it's cheaper to kill your patients than to actually help people on the people's dime. It still is horrible to go through that.
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