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Everything posted by horn_of_the_morning

  1. Show me a coach who has not lost a few games where he is a favorite. I'll wait. Never judge a coach by a game or two but his track record in program building. Have we learned nothing from Herman? Iowa State's run in the past few years is so anomalous given their sordid pathetic history, that you almost have to wonder if they are cheating their asses off. It is literally one of the worst jobs in P5. Yet their program is at a stage where they are in championship conversation every year now. We all know what the xfactor is behind this upswing. It's their fucking coach. All those saying how Campbell is Herman 2.0 need to read up on how he has built the ISU program in the last few years.
  2. IF Rogan knows something about this, it is probably from the agent side of this. He is well connected in the entertainment industry.
  3. Any idea when it is made public?
  4. Urbans sis is/was someone of importance at University of cincinnati. I banged a chick who was tight with her there. Damn. Should have saved that number.
  5. Conclusions. Burton has aline to eltife or someone close to him. Money is not an issue i.e. a mutually agreed number has been arrived at.
  6. No matter how this search ends...this thread belongs in Shaggy HoF.
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/CycloneFB/status/1333784635961085966?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1333784635961085966%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ffootballscoop.com%2Fnews%2Fvideo-before-beating-the-longhorns-listen-to-matt-campbells-message-to-iowa-state-about-loyalty%2F
  8. Speaking of saban https://mobile.twitter.com/JoeyMulinaro/status/1332723755471220739
  9. Should go after Matt Campbell
  10. Gotta make a run at Matt Campbell.
  11. All this shit is moot. Either we fire him this season and hire Urban and save the program or fire him next nyear and dig ourselves the hole the size of S Austin's mom's shitter.
  12. Post OU debacle was the best time to fire him. How we gave him an out. He may well win this shitty conference and doom us for the next 5 years.
  13. Fuck the brocks!
  14. Maybe CTJ is a different breed, but it has been noted that many a hard-ass are a true softie when it comes to their sweet little daughters.
  15. What evidence do we even have at this point that Urban is interested? Id say that the only evidence we have is that we haven't heard outright that he isn't.
  16. In a fucked up way, the only reason I am optimistic that Urban will happen for us is that there is a complete radio silence on the matter from Texas 9.95ers. It is almost as if some overarching power has commanded their lot to keep their mouths shut. Otherwise they would be tripping over one another to blow their wad. Shitty photographs from fuccbois notwithstanding.
  17. FCB has a guy from a columbus radio station who covers OSU on his latest podcast talking only about Urban and how he operates etc. https://pca.st/episode/2991f04f-85f5-49cb-85bd-01005cc00af4
  18. When life gets me down, I just remember that i am not the fucker married to Beth Mowins. Instant gratitude.
  19. I wonder if CDC/admin is misreading the anger in the fanbase purely as a result of the EOT issue? i.e. operating under the assumption that if we resolve The Eyes issue, all will be well and Tom can continue coaching for at least another year.
  20. Has OB come out calling for or predicting Herman's firing?
  21. "What must be done eventually, must be done immediately" Recruiting has already cratered for 2021. We are most likely signing the worst nontransition class ever. There is nothing to indicate that Herman can turn this thing around. If we end up 5-5 or 6-4 and give him another year, 2022 class will crater as well. Then we are in at least 5 year rebuild. The other alternative is we let him go now, salvage the 2021 class, stop the transfer bleed. Sign a kickass 2022 class. Then we are looking at a 1-3 year rebuild. The obviousness of the situation is stark. It was a bad investment. Time to cut our losses.
  22. Recall that there were people in the administration who wanted to keep Charlie right up until Fat Gare did us a solid. Our administration is wedded to mediocrity. Thats the only explanation.
  23. My man was a glizzy gladiator until he got barium meal'd from the GC
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