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Posts posted by TotallyLegit

  1. 5 hours ago, George said:

    Part 4…Whittington “gets open”


    I can’t tell what happened to 32 there. Is the fact that his back is to the ball what makes that work? If he didn’t stumble or whatever I guess he still wouldn’t be looking back. 

    The routes on this play aren't as interesting as the personnel and alignment. Texas comes out in 11 personnel and Bama matches with nickel (I think. I can't tell who the boundary underneath defender is). Texas aligns with Sanders wide left, Baxter wide right with Worthy near him, and Mitchell and Whittington in the left and right slots respectively. I'm not 100% sure what Bama's coverage is, but it's some form of 3 deep pattern match. It's not pure man because the only two corners align over Sanders and Baxter. The mike spies Ewers, while the will and sam reroute (not jam) deep routes before passing them off to the secondary and covering underneath. Because Mitchell doesn't go deep, the will covers underneath Sanders, and the boundary safety #6 looks for a potential deep crosser from the field. The star is manned on Worthy, and the corners and FS have deep thirds. Because of this, there's a soft spot between the sam and FS that Whittington settles in.

    Why did this play work? Because we were in 11 personnel and it was still 2nd down, Bama didn't want to get out of nickel, and because of the respect they had for Worthy and Mitchell, they played safeties over the top of them. Could they have just played cover 1 with the star on Whittington? I suppose, but then all four receiving threats (Baxter wasn't really a threat) would have single coverage (the same would be true if they played quarters with the FS manning Whittington deep), and Sanders would be covered by a safety. By going with this coverage, they gained some form of double coverage on three of the threats, but the cost was a huge soft spot in the zone for Whittington. Also aligning in man would pull a linebacker out to Baxter, lightening the box and making a motion/jet sweep tough to defend.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Doc Daneeka said:

    Saban’s post-game press conference: “We were in quarters and he called a quarter-beater” and just kind of shrugged. It was very fucking gratifying. 

    It might be an underrated aspect of this game that Sark has a history of coaching against Kevin Steele and knew what to expect from when Sark was at Bama and Steele was at Auburn.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 31 minutes ago, Gucci_Suit said:

    I’ve been to a handful of games there and I’ve always thought it was underwhelming. Last night was the best pre-game I’ve seen there and my bammer friends agreed. Just something about when Texas rolls into your town. The local guys all get pissy. The local gals put on their best dresses. The local economy gets a nice bump. 

    I went to LSU@Bama about a decade ago, and I've been to multiple Iron Bowls at Auburn. Bama is more glamorous and has better tailgating, but Iron Bowls at Auburn are fucking awesome

  4. 3 hours ago, Bevoette said:

    Anyone know the significance of his arm tattoo? Has a date 

    It's Luke 17:21, "...the kingdom of God is within you". I'm not a Biblical scholar, but given that Leo Tolstoy wrote a book with that title, which influenced Mahatma Gandhi, I suspect it's the Christian version of "be the change you wish to see in the world." At least, that's how I interpret it. It's my favorite verse

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  5. 3 minutes ago, taybo20 said:


    this may actually rub some the wrong way but I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!! Honestly, I've wanted a premier Texas athlete to do this for a long time... starting throwing the down horns at opposing crowds because they have no power over us. I came after I saw him sack milroe and do this to bama fans

    If this rubs someone the wrong way, they should probably go back to texags

  6. 18 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Some folks who get paid well to cover recruiting think that Ryan Williams is one of the best WR prospects … ever. He’s apparently a fucking jedi playing wideout and simply does things that no one else at the HS level does. We don’t want him at Bama. Getting him would be a holy shit moment. 

    He ain't going to no bama

    • Haha 1
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