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Everything posted by TotallyLegit

  1. Gonna get real awkward for KKL when the same scheme yields the same mediocrity this fall, but, in contradiction to what's being said this spring, it's all blamed on Petrino instead. Lot of backseat motorcyclists quarterbacks gonna come out of the texags woodwork then
  2. My Frisian ancestors would be disappointed
  3. 1. The NCAA is not the NFL 2. Arguably, the NCAA did just submit to the authority of multiple states when it comes to NIL in 2021 3. What @JesusSweatDuck said
  4. This video covers the ranking, so I assume the written version is out
  5. Dang, a hit piece like that could really sting. If the article really gets traction, we may need to fire Herman and/or Strong (hopefully not both).
  6. The two obvious complaints (which I share) are the short outdoor field and the lack of architectural cohesion with campus. Both problems are possibly due to a misguided desire to announce a "plan" before the spring game. The first problem may be difficult or impossible to fix in the short term, but the second is obviously fixable. When Jenna Wenaas transferred here, I started following her TikTok (for research purposes), and when Minnesota Volleyball played here in the tournament, they snarked about playing in the rec center, but they otherwise thought the place was gorgeous. They were right about both. It's one thing to be constrained by real estate, and it's another to build anything on the 40 acres that looks like it was built by Palm Harbor homes. We can't do both.
  7. Exactly. Bragging about practice fields is like the "winning halftime" of facilities arguments
  8. Yeah, that's why SEC teams have bad offenses that just trade the ball at midfield as much as possible. Trying to hit that G spot
  9. The Georgia G on the roof is probably part of a "modular" strategy I've been hearing all about. Notice how Georgia started with 20 yards of field that included a Georgia G. This was a shrewd way to optimize the short-term cost-benefit ratio. Next Phase: Extend field from 20 to 120 yards. In addition to being a good idea for bragging rights, it also helped them minimize costs since football fields are sold wholesale in units of 100 yards. Final Phase: Georgia G on roof. Seems like they have their priorities in order. I wouldn't be surprised if they collaborated with at least one of the big four practice facility consulting firms.
  10. So if you knew my post wasn't serious, why would you assume that it was making a serious point? And "save face"? Look at my posting history. I'm way beyond saving.
  11. Do you think I thought Georgia's practice field was 20 yards long?
  12. Someone from Surly should tell Georgia that they'd win more games and recruit better if their practice field wasn't 20 yards long.
  13. I hope they get a free one-topping Personal Pan Pizza® with those.
  14. I hope we don't use this official visit graphic for any visits on the weekend of 9/11
  15. That's way too honest and merciful to be a troll job. Rodney Ruxin is exactly what aggy needs, and now they won't get it because of their minister of propaganda
  16. Every time I read this thread, it forces me to rethink what is even possible in a culture born out of a large number of humans of average intelligence. The typical Kool-Aid/Jonestown metaphor doesn't really do aggy justice. The closest analogy I can think of is this. Rather than a single Japanese man living and refusing to surrender in the jungle on a remote island in the Philippines for 29 years under the belief that WW2 is still ongoing, imagine instead that it's an entire university. That's aggy
  17. Comparing a person to a Navy vessel is a special kind of retarded.
  18. Sorry, I'm high on the delta 8 you've been peddling to my impressionable mind. Can you tell me how to get on the discord?
  19. After looking at Google Maps, I think the part in the top left is at least somewhat required for the Swimming Center to function.
  20. How come we don't just put the practice fields in the middle of a 10,000 foot rotating cylinder with dynamic hyperbaric/hypobaric chamber, 173,000 terawatt lighting, fans, and sprinklers so that we can accurately simulate the atmospheric conditions, field and sun orientation, and elevation of where we're going to play next?
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