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Everything posted by TotallyLegit

  1. True. I don’t think I’m onboard with the playoffs in general, but it seems like parity at the top has declined in the last decade.
  2. The fact that OSU kickoff personnel don’t swing their arms in unison tells me Ryan Day isn’t elite.
  3. The version of this game last year was pretty good.
  4. She is a fucking phat ass white girl on Ted Lasso; you can’t tell from her being covered up on Game of Thrones.
  5. When I see this, I imagine airdropped crates of dicks on the helipad
  6. Any of those go from Columbus to AUS/HSB?
  7. Did you have to photoshop out the ATF and FBI agents?
  8. Been beating your wife a lot lately, have you?
  9. That is the exact kinda deal I’d take
  10. You’re gonna get so much ducking karma if you’re right
  11. I don’t refer to myself in the third person
  12. I was about to vouch for you, but something tells me you wouldn’t appreciate the nature of my vouching...
  13. The fact this happened before any CFP game outcomes feels like a good thing
  14. I think it's only because he's a "whale". I doubt there's a single person who's posted in this thread who considers him a remote possibility.
  15. The only thing remotely interesting was "we may already know and not believe it." What the fuck does that mean?
  16. And then they'd call it something stupid to make it seem like it was intentionally bad, like "Wet Brisket"
  17. So, as early as could be reasonably expected or as late as could be reasonably expected. Cool
  18. It’s like that song ”I’m hot cuz I’m fly. You ain’t cuz you’re not”
  19. Yeah love that Brewer “speed out”...
  20. This hits a little close to home...but I don’t make 5+ million, so...
  21. Pretty sure I saw him say “mother fucker”
  22. That’s fine when the catch is behind the LOS
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