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Everything posted by TotallyLegit

  1. Wow, his TDs allowed rate is... ..infinitely better than Crawford's!
  2. You might say his recruitment is currently in a... ...Holden pattern.
  3. After doing some grass roots sourcing, I have found a group of sorority girls who would debunk this claim by testifying that a pound or two of Arch is something other than muscle.
  4. I agree with the verb "cut", though I'd change the subject and object.
  5. I noticed a lot of talents similar to Crawford's on display last night for the Chargers.
  6. After the last week, I might know the names of more (former) ag players than Texas players.
  7. If you don't call 'em pole beans, Imma assume you're an eskimo
  8. If Looch had the foresight to film his day-to-day for November and December, the footage could make a movie that rivals Apollo 13
  9. Well, good for your buddy. Where were all the 5 star recruits when I was doing community service to get into grad school?
  10. E-Rob is the 12th man in the coaching staff.
  11. Nothing says "college football" like Reconstruction era slurs from fans of... checks notes ...Washington
  12. "The image doesn't show the animal actually being harmed. It's a good no-call." - Stassney
  13. That's selling him short. He's more like an Athletic Director on the field.
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