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  1. Love the tolerant left. God bless.
  2. Biden would be best served to not say a single word until after the election. Let the orange narcissist embarrass himself. Do not debate Trump, it would be brutal. Joe needs really smart people around him. He is a decent man, but he has obviously lost a step mentally, or 5. But i think Biden will win anyway if he avoids public speaking.
  3. I came here because I assumed I could find people whose politics were far to the left on mine. I wondered what people of the far left thought about the riots, looting,etc... by the way, you guys are right about the 3 cops that watched the other cop kill that poor guy. Pretty much everyone agrees. I don't think many people really care about the man that was murdered, on any side. People suck.
  4. You serious? You really think Russian trolls have hit surly? I will assume you are joking, but kind of hope you are serious.
  5. I understand nothing about rioting and destroying other peoples businesses just to watch them burn. Please inform me.
  6. I don't see why it matters much if the worst of the professional rioters are white supremacists or antifa. Total trash either way. I can't understand why decent people protesting police brutality would accept either. This trash needs to be taken out, so real protesters can have their say. Oh. And 95% of the trouble makers are Antifa or BLM. No way a bunch of retarded nazi types are being accepted in these riots.
  7. Who make money off rioters burning businesses and looting stores? I'm a big believer in following the money, but that may not work when dealing with irrational people.
  8. I can not believe leftists think these cities burning is showing Trump, and is a good look. It is pushing dimwitted housewives in the suburbs right into daddy's arms. So dumb. As if leftists want Trump to win.
  9. Elko and Robinson are really good. A&M needs to step it up at QB & OL to take advantage of the top shelf recruiting on defense.
  10. Luicci reminds me of Kellyanne Conway. So hard to tell about his alternative facts, what's true, what's not. Robinson seems like a solid but not a spectacular hire. Why can't that be ok?
  11. With Clemons being a senior in 2020 and Leal probably spending half his time inside, Wilson would have had a legitimate chance at snaps in 2020 and likely would have played a lot on 2021. This is a lot different that all the RB's who were pushed out the door.
  12. Is Collins the final piece for 2020? Wasn't sure if Herman was still after anyone else. I know it always was a small class but I thought it would be more than 19.
  13. Probably thought he ran a 4.5, and it turned out he runs a 4.7. No idea what kind of competition he faced in Arizona.
  14. Wow. Saban gotta be pissed.
  15. Cordarian Richardson
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