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Amos Moses

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Everything posted by Amos Moses

  1. How do people watch this fucking nitwit? What a kick in the balls.
  2. Honesty, at this juncture what is the fucking point with continuing the charade of listing him out for "return from injury management?" Just call the ball, Maverick - he's not playing again this year. There must be some reason from either a league standpoint or a medical malpractice liability standpoint to keep up with this nonsense.
  3. I kinda agree with this but think it’s only 30% of the issue. I attribute 60% to him feeling chronic pain and not knowing how to deal, and 10% to the uncle’s behind the scenes shenanigans.
  4. Or, maybe LMA isn’t very good at passing out of the double team. Pop was trying to put him in positions last year that helped mitigate that, but LMA never got comfortable/never figured it out. So they’re back to what he’s comfortable with which is easy to double unless you have an adept big man passer, which he isn’t. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
  5. Don't get caught running behind the devil today. Yeesh. That's a potent mix for a hazardous cloud release.
  6. Yep. My give a shit meter on this one reads a flat zero. I appreciate the effort, and your story telling was at the level we've all come to expect.
  7. Denver is not favored- but yeah ... need to win to avoid either the Warriors or Rockets in round 1.
  8. Is this real life? I shudder every time this nitwit is backed further into the corner.
  9. I thought it was great - totally different feel than the Ric Flair 30 for 30 even though a lot of both stories overlap. I like that it didn't focus as much on the wrestling matches and offstage hi-jinks. I can't comprehend how hard it was for him to cope with everything that came along with his size. It was a touching portrait of a man who I always viewed as a physical curiosity - sadly like a circus act. I loved the stories about how he dominated the wrestlers he didn't care for, like Macho Man and Big John Studd. "No body else enters the ring over the top rope - that was his thing."
  10. ALL communication? No, it’s not quite that broad.
  11. He is so fucking fired.
  12. Looking forward to this. https://youtu.be/f_jTeuajas0
  13. I don't like the look of Reed what with his bloated, punchable face, and will enjoy rooting against him for many majors to come.
  14. This right here. And, given the Spurs general proclivity to shit the bed on the road this year along with the fact that New Orleans has been a recent house of horrors, I expect the Spurs to fit into the 7 or 8 slot.
  15. Thanks for the BP article - good and exciting stuff on Cole and the entire pitching staff.
  16. Thank goodness for Manu Fucking Ginobili. That is all.
  17. Bagwell at 1B, and I think I’d take Fat Elvis over Reddick. Any of Wagner, Lidge, or Dotel in the pen.
  18. Jordan Kareem Magic Over 40, I’m a man
  19. Ha ha - it was worth it for the lulz.
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