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Everything posted by Rockymtns

  1. Concrete canals are used extensively all over the desert out west to move water for ranches/ people...Arizona and California use them extensively to get water from the Colorado River to cities and farm land. Their is no way they are ceding the Rio Grande to Mexico......And, their is probably vast stretches of it where a wall or barrier is not needed.
  2. They could try to rewrite the constitution I guess through EO. Lets see how that works for them. Im not a gun nut or anything like that. I dont own an assault rifle. Just saying it would be interesting to see where that goes for them? Seems like it could lead to political suicide as soon as they apprehend the first gun from a law abiding citizen.
  3. Hey man, you can believe what you want....Im just saying in order to come up with any number in their calculations, they have to know the whole number first...They dont know that, just seems like basic common sense to me..They only know the number of people they apprehend. They know the number of people they turn loose. They dont know the number of people they didnt apprehend or what happens to the people after they cut them loose. How could they? They dont get tracked...
  4. Because I want to believe the border patrol are good at basic arithmetic.
  5. Do you believe everything the government tells you about illegal immigration? If so, I got some ocean front property to sell you here in front of my house.... There is nothing accurate they can tell you about illegal immigration. They dont even track them in the country...
  6. The coyotes absolutely control the border here in Arizona to the point they will murder to keep control of it. I doubt there are many people risking the trip across the border in the easy to cross areas the coyote's control without a coyote leading them because of what might happen to them should they get caught by the coyotes... If they want to cross in the rugged mountains and desert parts of Arizona that are difficult to cross, good luck to them, they are likely to die, especially in Summer.
  7. Im sure self deportation does happen, I believe that, I just don't see it being anywhere near as big a number as the number that come in illegally... One problem with your theory that a lot of them self deport is they pay the coyotes thousands of dollars to get here in the first place, why would they want to leave and possibly try to go through all that BS again to come back? The other thing is the courts treat them differently when they get caught entering the country illegaly a second time...Why would they risk it if they are already here and making a somewhat decent living?
  8. Ha! About a year and a half ago you could have went to any Home Depot or Lowes or Circle K here where I live and got a busl oad to help you out. Now you're out of luck, the economy picked up...
  9. How would you know that when they are just released into our country in some cases, not really tracked? Im sure it happens that they self deport in some cases, but I doubt many of them are when they can make a way better life here than some of the places they left...What would be the motivation to go back? Im not talking about the people that cross everday to work and go back like in El Paso...
  10. Not accounting for that, no. The only ones that go back to Mexico are the ones that are from Mexico. Our retarded laws dont make it so easy. We have to send them back to country of origin which can take months in a lot of cases.
  11. 40 busloads? Im saying 50 to 100 migrants a day at each crossing being apprehended in AZ due to how many cross in those areas due to other areas being too treacherous. Im sure some days could be less. But when the economy picks up their are more immigrants trying to come across.
  12. OK....LOL! You obviously dont live anywhere near the border...
  13. I don't know how much you know about the border, but they are obviously not monitoring every single mile of it...There are some spots on the border in Arizona that would be downright treacherous and hostile for people to cross. Vast miles of rugged mountains and desert. So, they catch larger groups of people in the areas that are more approachable for immigrants. Those areas that are close to a highway where someone on this side can pick them up...The coyotes bus them up to the border in large groups every day from the little border towns near the border then they hike across day in and out...A few border patrol agents could easily be catching a group of 50 to 100 migrants each day at just one of these crossings...You get 5 or 6 crossings like that just in Arizona and the numbers add up pretty fast.
  14. A lot of them in Arizona give themselves up voluntarily and get a free ride to a holding facility. Once they have their day in court, they get released back into our country anyway if they don't have a bad criminal record...Not sure if it's the same in other states... According to the politicians, we have a lot more border patrol now than ever. I don't think they are completely hurting for resources....And, the national guard is helping out too.
  15. The 60,000 number is how many the border patrol say they apprehended last month crossing the border. I guess it is accurate unless the border patrol dont know basic arithmetic....But, how would anyone know how many didn't get apprehended? Even if its a quarter of the number that did get apprehended that could add up pretty fast over time.
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