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Everything posted by Rockymtnhigh

  1. You will never stop all gun violence with gun laws. Mexico has way way stricter gun laws than the US...Im not even sure their citizens are supposed to own guns above 22 calibre. Yet thousands of murders and untold gun violence there every year. Creating stricter gun laws impacts the law abiding citizens. Criminals in this country will get a gun somehow no matter what. Im not saying their shouldnt be background checks and stuff like we already have in place now to purchase a gun. That does make it harder for the bad guys to get guns. They could even add to those background checks to make them stricter and it would help... I'm not a gun nut or anything, but I certainly wouldn't want to live in this country if it was only the criminals that had guns and you had to rely on law enforcement with a response time of like 30 minutes to come protect you and your family from a violent crime...
  2. I thought illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the country?
  3. Praise? It would be more like Democrat chest thumping. The Democrats get basically open borders for a year and what amounts to amnesty for people already here illegally with the so-called "compromise" that was signed... The real problem is Congress is not doing their job once again and passing real comprehensive immigration reform....That is what is getting glossed over here...
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