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Ok, lets say in both cases they both mishandled classified information and both destroyed it. We dont know the intent they had with the information...No way to know that. The soldier goes to Jail, but the Politician did not go to jail...Is that fair to you?
https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/china-reportedly-hacked-clintons-state-department-emails-did-the-fbi-cover-that-up-too/ That is one article of many on google... You are still avoiding the question...we cant prove the soldier had any intent to distribute those photos right? He destroyed the evidence. He went to jail. Hillary destroyed the evidence as well...seems like same scenario to me. Hillary did not go to jail. So if you say you are all for politicians not being above the law...What is your answer?
Way to avoid the question...LOL! The fucking server was hacked and it was proven that it was foreign entitities that did it, and the hack at the FBI that was laying the pipe to Lisa Page was told that information and he chose to ignore it...
They put a soldier in jail in the middle of all that Hillary shit that took pictures of the submarine he was on to show to his family...They said it was mishandling of classified info....That's hardly as bad as being a politician and having a server with classified info that they proved got hacked by foreign entities due to lax security...
Inspector Generals have no authority to charge someone with a crime. He can and has reviewed the case and could not conclude 100% there was not mistakes made...And he could not conclude the people involved in the FBI investiigating the Trump Russian allegations were not 100% unbiased. You don't see it as strange or unfair that they put people in the military in jail for mishandling classified information no matter how minor the offense, but we won't put a politician in jail for it?
The other part to that is get real results out of it when someone does break the law and not leniency because of who said Politician is....Hillary got away with stuff in regards to her email server and classified documents that lesser people in our military went to jail for...That's more shit that divides us....If they did find in some way Trump broke the law then he should pay the price too, im in agreement...What I can't agree with is just ongoing shit that just continues to divide the country....They did a huge disservice when they didn't properly punish her for her email server, just as if they ever found anything on Trump and did not punish him for it, I would expect all the DEMs to lose their mind and it would just increase the divide even further.
I know they get paid for speeches, books and crap like that. Im talking about the one's where mysteriously their husbands or wife's real estate business or whatever business all of the sudden became highly successful overnight as soon as they got into office. Or, I'm sure there is a lot of insider trading going on in the stock market with politicians... Hey, I could not agree more, as long as all these investigations aren"t happening just because said politician is a Republican or Democrat and I hate his/ her ideals so im going to open all these investigations until I finally dig something in his/ her past up...That shit divides the country....if you are saying all of them be under the same scrutiny and there is no political agenda/ bias behind it then Im all for it...
Im sure they could find some shady shit in all of their pasts if they wanted too...All of them, the President, and probably the majority of Congress got skeletons in the closet, or will have them before they leave D.C...How do you think they are getting so rich?
The precedent all these investigations of Trump is setting is freaking crazy. Especially considering they arent yielding much. What's next? Are we going to start investigations on every politician in the country? Is the next DEM President going to take it lieing down when he is constantly under investigation? Shit needs to end somewhere: unless, there is clear evidence a crime was committed what's the point of all of it? And, yes I know the Republicans have investigated the DEM presidents. Just saying the shit is getting out of hand...
Except we become the laughingstock of the world. Admit we couldn't stop another much poorer country from destroying our society because of an insatiable appetite for drugs...Couldnt control our own damn border, etc... Plus we really piss on Mexicos drug fueled economy our neighbors to the South..Seems smart..
That's why 2/3rds of the shit we buy is made in China right or somewhere else? Because these awesome American companies figured out a way to do it cheaper? That's alright, instead of making the dangerous drugs here or getting them from Mexican cartels, we can just have the slave labor in China make them and get them to export them to us....Then when Trumps trade deals go through, we can tax them...
I think i didn't expand enough on the slave labor part. My meaning was cartels are basically using close to slave labor to make that dangerous crap and distribute it...... How would we compete with that? I realize a lot of Americans deal with dangerous jobs everyday, but they get paid damn well to do it and usually have dang good health insurance that is not cheap. You think the cartels are paying someone as much as an American company would have to pay to make and disfribute this stuff given all the regulations on dangerous chemicals? Plus you are going to slap a tax on top of that. I still don't see how they could ever compete...
I agree with some of what you are saying; except, I think you underestimate the sheer number of people that could want to come here that want to escape whatever bad shit is going on in their own country at any given time..What would stop them? The drug part, im torn their, do you think our country would ever get the price point to a low enough level on the really dangerous hard drugs to compete with the cartels? Especially, given the chemicals used to make that stuff, and you want to tax it too? What slave labor are you going to use to make that dangerous crap?... Alcohol is made from natural stuff and fire, no real comparison their...Like comparing apples and oranges...If you wanted to legalize something like pot that's grown, then sure I could see it...
Not everywhere. There are vast areas of open desert in the southwest with networks of dirt roads/ jeep trails to get around the checkpoints on the highways coming up from the south. Besides that, the smugglers use lookouts on the mountains in the desert southwest to watch the movements of the border patrol. Once they get cargo past the border patrol, there is not much to stop them once they hit I10. There are checkpoints on I10 itself, but mostly just at the state lines. They could easily hop off I10 and head north before even going through those checkpoints. If there were checkpoints closer to I10 on both the south and north side of it on all the highways and interstates they would catch a lot more people...
Maybe it wouldn't work in more populous areas now until the technology the border patrol uses improved to the point where a checkpoint would be just a minor slowdown for traffic. It would definitely work in less populous areas though now because a lot of drug traffickers and human smugglers dont come through the checkpoints down near the border...They come across the border in remote areas that have no checkpoint. Use dirtroads, or just hike across desert to get to a place to be picked up by people on this side of the border... But, at some point, to get to the interior US, no matter how they get into the country, they would have to cross I10 with the drugs or people they smuggle...So, if checkpoints were closer to I10 they would catch more people like that...
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