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Posts posted by closetojumping

  1. 15 hours ago, Hookem10 said:

    Some of you guys must be to old or to young…surly posters want to play the fucking Super Bowl champs every week and shit. Oh yeah y’all are all rich tho and bang 10’s 

    I don’t know if all of that is correct, but I can say that most of us have at least shown the basic ability to determine the right moments in which we should use to/too/two. Maybe work to get there first, then talk some shit? Might work out better for you. 

    • Like 1
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  2. I know we have discussed this stuff before, but some/a lot of the posters on the guru boards are special forms of stupid. I know Surly has its share of complete imbeciles, but wow. I haven't read 247, IT, or OB in forever and a day, so you forget about this stuff. On OTF now and some of it is unbelievable. 

    There's the one type of poster who views any opinion other than that coming from a $9.95er as completely ignorable while at the same time hanging on a $9.95er's every word. You can forget about this, but when seeing it unfold in real time, it's a stark reminder of the outsized kind of weight the paid guys carry. That's hard to do with someone weighing close to a metric ton, such as Ketchum, but it's real. There are thousands of readers who think that Ketchum/Boyd/Nahlin/Richardson/FCB/Bohls/Golden are providing them with real insights about the program or recruiting.

    Then you have the guys who truly are remarkable in that they appear to be adult humans surviving in society without any basic notion of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Whatever is overtly written or said by guys like Bobby or Gerry is only what can be concluded. Nothing else hinted at or vaguely touched on matters, no reading between the lines, just black and white simpleton silliness.

    Another type is the guy who thinks everyone needs to see and hear his every thought, usually in the form of a new thread. Tell them otherwise, and you're offending them and they'll start asking the moderators to intervene. These are the worst kind of posters. 

    Finally, there's the old guy who is new to the Internet and has no fucking clue how anything works. They're using their real names, they divulge a bunch of personal information, they think things like "I played sports in junior high, I know what I am talking about" and believe that with a straight face. These men wear their old iphones in a case on their hip. They have a keychain hanging from a belt loop with more than 10 keys on it for everyone to see. On weekends, they wear jorts with long white socks pulled up to their knees and their collared shirt is tucked into the jorts. These people are experts on the board who likely know more than even the gurus. They're constantly intervening to correct opinions and they're totally unironic in their intent to shape the board discussions to suit their outlook.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 7
  3. 1 hour ago, Longboard Horn said:

    I know this ain’t Stephen A. Smith’s real bracket. He’s gotta be playing a joke 


    It never ceases to amaze me in regard to the pathological need that talking heads have when it comes to picking ATM. You see it yearly in one sport or another. It's truly bizarre. They never win shit. They rarely come within shouting distance of winning anything, yet there they are, being selected by someone to make the CFP, or win the CWS or make the FF. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    He started off as Physics and now apparently Geography unless it's changed again.

    What would one do with a Geography degree? I think I'm kind of stunned that that degree exists these days. I have a 10 year old who is quite gifted in geography and I always tell him that that talent will be worthless outside of trivia night at his local dive bar.

  5. 2 hours ago, bigup2dahorns said:

    NY Post reporting rumored Eagles residency for 10 weekends Sept - Dec at the Sphere

    Insert Lebowski quote

    I guess I didn't realize that there was still an "Eagles" without Glenn Frey. How the hell is that even possible?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    Thought you were 5'8 from the Pic of you with Sydney.. The one that  @Coelenterate FuccboiFuccboi uses as his avatar

    I'm pretty sure I was seated in that picture. Also, @SydneyCarton is like 6'4", so that could be it. I'd forgotten that it was actually me in CF's avatar. What did that asshole's old handle used to be? And was I gone when that pic got posted? I think I came back at some point and all hell had broken loose. Carl was an insider with like 2000 rep points. CF's handle had been changed, Sydney's posting photos of me, and the regulars on this board are praising Tom Herman as a surprise candidate for coach of the year heading into 2020. It was absurd.

    • Haha 3
  7. This is the 12th post on this page of this thread. 

    Post 1) Confuses an English philosopher with a football recruit with a completely different surname.

    Post 2) Covers recruiting forecast changes for previously referenced recruit.

    Post 3) A meditation on Austin then vs. now as seen through the lens of the author of the Anarchist Cookbook.

    Post 4) Exploring a new ranking system, as arbitrary as any other.

    Post 5) Someone analyzes what sooners think of Demarco Murray on Twitter in regard to recruiting.

    Post 6) Brief analysis of recently discussed recruit's film and upside.

    Post 7) Pedantic clarification of position target for said recruit.

    Post 8 ) Nervous posting of a witty-ish gif in response to Anarchist Cookbook post.

    Post 9) Someone wants to get high on kitchen cleaning products.

    Post 10) Reference to some Austin politician's forehead that idiots on Surly have been obsessing over for years.

    Post 11) Further tie-out between the Austin politician and the most important English philosopher of the 19th century. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 1 hour ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Not to mention he gets national guys on his show like Luginbill, Finebaum, Matt Miller, etc. I think them being unaffiliated with a 247, On3, etc helps them with guest too. They also talk basketball and baseball often and have had shows specific to basketball. 


    It's ironic he says this considering Nahlin lives in Houston area, Paul lives out west, Wells lives in podunk East, Tx, Thumb face lives in Colorado....so the only guy in Austin is Joe Cook who is just a beat writer essentially. Cook may be the only one on that staff besides the occasional Nahlin who actually goes to the games. 

    Paul Wadlington makes @closetojumping seem humble and aware.

    I may have told this at some point, I can’t remember. I am pretty sure @HenryJames was there. 

    We all met up in Austin for drinks and dinner one weekend during the early, happy days of the Barking Carnival efforts. Probably 8-10 of us. Anyway, we’re bullshitting at dinner and at some point, for whatever reason, height comes up. Someone asks me how tall I am and I say “6’2”” because, you know, that’s like factually correct and shit. 

    Scipio can’t believe it, overhearing the conversation. “No way you’re 6’2”. I’m 6’2”. “ I say, cool, good for you, buddy. He still can’t accept it, bizarrely. It bothers the guy and finally he basically challenges me to a measurement. I would be mocking people having this conversation if I were seated near them and witnessing it. 

    Anyway, I eventually capitulate to make it all go away and we stand back to back, in which the impartial judges begrudgingly informed Scipio that, in fact, he might not be fully 6’2”. He refused to believe it. To this day, I don’t know what in the fuck was going on there in his head, but for sure, physical dimensions are a part of his ego. 

    Outside of high school sports, that is the only time my height ever proved crucial, winning that height contest in my early 30’s. 

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  9. 7 minutes ago, tokamak said:

    I like Mills's tape. Classic brawler. Looks underrated as a mid 3-star. The tape is mostly him mauling guys in run blocking, but I think he moves his feet and bends well enough to stick at RT.

    The tape I watched was pretty zoomed out so it's hard to tell, but frame looks like it doesn't have a ton of room to add good weight. On the other hand, he already looks bigger than his listed 290, unless he's just playing with and against midgets.

    They’re recruiting him as an IOL, apparently. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. On 3/17/2024 at 5:44 PM, statsman said:

    I listen to IT. I don’t know that Bobby has many real connections to the program, over there in Nashville. Gerry is ok, but his “manscaping” ads are cringey, combined with his recent use of eyeliner (NTTIAWWT). 
    I enjoy Wadlington’s content, Kelsons insights (better than Babers’), and Boyd is fine bouncing ideas with someone else. For a host, I like the IT guy over the OTF older guy. JMO. I am unlikely to listen to a podcast with just Justin, Nahlin and “the coach”. 

    Ha. You precisely dick if you think Burton isn’t connected. I mean, wow. You need to check out for a while and regroup, then maybe comeback and try again with some new experience. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  11. 10 minutes ago, statsman said:

    2.5 years ago, Saban spoke at the THSCA meeting and casually mentioned that Bryce Young was to get $1M in NIL. He didn’t share that as a wake up call, that “something must be done”. No, he thought he had a handle on this future, and was letting everyone know that his program was still the one place to be. 
    How do I feel about Saban’s current blessings? Too bad, so sad. 
    Also, I’m pretty sure Bible was using boosters to spread money around the state every bit as much as SMU did. Thing is, until around 1950, it was within the rules. Texas’ “no buying players” ethos was really put in place by Royal. 

    Bryce Young's dad tore Saban a new asshole the next day after Saban mentioned that. Read him the riot act and told him not to leverage his son for his own gain ever again. It was a new moment for Saban. He had no one to blame but himself and no power to counter the talent's argument. From then on, Saban started speaking about NIL differently and I think that was a turning point.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  12. 2 hours ago, NoName said:


    for a quick comparison, lowest ranked OL from last few years with 247 rankings

    • Coje: 86
    • Stroh: 87
    • Goosby: 88
    • Connor Robertson: 87
    • Max Merril: 85
    • Jake Majors: 87
    • Willie Tyler: 84
    • Christian Jones: 87
    • Mike Grandy: 88

    i still don't see why folks want this guy. his most recent 247 offers: UTEP, UCF, Duke, Marshall, UTSA

    I don't think many people on this site want the guy. The commenters on the subscriber sites are a special form of stupid, however. These are men who have been watching football for years and still react almost solely to "big body!! he good!!" when they see that some tub of goo is pushing 4 bills. This is a teenager that cannot push himself away from the buffet at Golden Corral and doesn't have a support system interested in helping him. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 2 hours ago, hobbes2702 said:

    We haven’t been the premier pitching program, outside of a year or two here and there, since like pre 2010.

    And who is ultimately responsible for that? Like is DP the guy making all those calls? I doubt it but I’ve been wrong before

    Yeah, and you’re wrong here. You’re equivocating for a guy in year 6 or 7 at a giant of a program who isn’t getting it done. 

    No NIL is getting into the program without Pierce’s direction. What an ignorant fucking argument to assert otherwise. Just fucking dumb. 

    As to not getting guys, two cycles ago, which we fucking talked about at the time, LSU was out in front of everybody. The last cycle and the next cycles? It’s coming down to where guys want to go. This may surprise you guys that feel the need to defend a coach, whoever the coach, because he’s the coach, but transfers aren’t stupid. They’re going to programs where they think they’ll be highlighted while playing for coaches that they like. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    They’d have to either bump us both up a seed line (7/10) or bump aggy up 2 spots to get in an 8/9

    You have a lot of faith in the committee robotically doing what the bracket dorks and NET rankings suggest they do. 

  15. So what is the buzz from the bracket imbeciles who are paid to be consistently wrong? I assume ATM is a 7 matched to Texas as a 10 and the winner has to play a 2 seed Marquette? That’s the kind of idiot’s ending I assume this season fits into. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 5 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    I don’t think anyone was arguing that it wasn’t time for a new facility.  However, that doesn’t change any of the fond memories that many UT alums had there. Apparently Frank Erwin must have molested you there and for that I’m sorry.

    Nothing is more hilarious, yet also effective at cutting to the quick, than a good molestation joke. Those are always fresh and belly busting. 

    My comments were about the dumb “Frank Erwin would have had none of this!” silliness more so than your old guy nostalgia. Have at it. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Sorry.  Drunk post.  I had a lot of connections to the Vol football team when I lived in Knoxville.  I heard some things.  You know that argument Texas fans used to have where half the fanbase wanted us to cheat/win at all costs and the other wanted to maintain Texas' morality?  At one point, I believe TT was being considered for a job at Texas.  This would have definitely destroyed Texas' morality argument.

    Okay, yeah. You don’t have to pussyfoot around it. Taylor is a known bagman and it ultimately caused his fall from grace at SEC schools in a public manner because of the level of overt corruption he took it to eventually. It’s a worthless skill now. He’s just an old asshat on a staff of asshats. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  18. 5 hours ago, BachelorTrek said:

    My Dad didn't know Frank Erwin, but what he heard about his personality was that if he was still alive and active, he'd have the heads of anyone on a platter for demolishing anything with his name on it, much less in that open-wound fashion.

    Such was the gravitas of one Frank Erwin in Austin during his time.

    Good. Fuck him. Hope he’s rolling over in it. If memory serves, he didn’t handle DKR well and that’s enough to not give a shit. Even if he and DKR were simpatico, still don’t give a shit. The Drum has been a trash venue for sports for decades and no amount of nostalgia from old Austin music lovers here is going to change that. It was an eyesore and an AD problem for like half a century. Don’t care one bit if Frank Erwin or his kin are mad. See ya. Hope you enjoyed all of the well wishes. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  19. 1 hour ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    See my post on the football board.  Trooper Taylor was a dirty POS 20 years ago.  When living in Knoxville, I heard stories.  

    For those of us not tracking “knoxtnhorn” for his Trooper Taylor insights, can you maybe link us? I can’t see shit.

    • Haha 1
  20. 47 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Ha, we went there once too because it was convenient several years ago.  What a tourist trap that place is.

    But it’s not just a tourist trap. There are a ton of locals going through there, including plenty of restaurant workers. It’s weird. We ate there a few times in our early visits to NOLA and at some point decided it was crap. We stay at a hotel across the street from it a lot and see the lines each day. I liked their jambalaya but that wasn’t a saving grace. 

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