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Posts posted by closetojumping

  1. 1 minute ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    South with 4 CBs this morning

    Barnes, Harris, Stewart, and Fasusi.

    He's out on a limb with Harris. I don't want that guy in the class if he is taken at the expense of other big time WRs. 

    While we're at it, I saw that Texas is bringing Marsh in for an OV. I hope that never materializes. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 3 hours ago, Juicy said:

    The penn state game was a bit of an outlier because JJ was hurt the week before at Maryland, and they ran the ball 27 straight times once penn state proved that they couldn't stop it. 

    In the penn state game they absolutely took it out of JJs hands, the rest of the season not so much. 

    For someone who claims to watch a lot of Michigan football, you should at least have a clue about their schedule.

    Michigan played Maryland ... wait for it ... after the Penn State game. You fucking shill. The guy's performance, and the program's decision to take the ball out of his hands during that key second half against PSU, had zero to do with Maryland, or a fucking injury from the Maryland game. Your entire premise in this prior post is pathetically incorrect. Even for a clown like you, that shit is hard to do.

    Negged. And shut the fuck up with the weak defending of your imaginary lover, JJ McCarthy. You can't do anything with the facts so now you're either turning to fantasy or gaslighting, neither of which the rest of us are interested in seeing clog up this thread. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 4
  3. 10 hours ago, Bevo said:

    @closetojumping to where did your Bama friends end up going after Saban retired? 


    9 hours ago, MuellerHorn said:

    Yeah, I would have to imagine members of Saban's regime (machine) would be in demand if they wanted to move.

    One does their own thing and has no need to go anywhere unless they’re bored and hate money. The other has had a ton of inquiries and isn’t interested in doing anything right now and can afford not to do so. They’re as worn out as one could be after that ride. 


    • Hook 'Em 3
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  4. I don't understand the question. The NCAA has backed off all NIL related investigations. It's open season. You could steal city hall. It's the wild west. Texas isn't going to do anything stupid or out of whack with its own ethos, but anyone worried about the wherewithal of the NCAA at this point hasn't been paying attention.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Regardless if it was Sark's discretion or not it doesn't take away from what I said.....it would have been nice to have that for help on the defensive front. But I get it you have to be a pompous ass.


    Also the bolded is very gruntling to hear. Lets go!


    Also how is our side handling the Tenn/Virginia injunctions? 

    You lamented not having something specific for the DL in prior cycles. I responded stating that Sarkisian could have had whatever he needed for DLs and that he wasn't making it a specific point of emphasis, so lamenting not having anything for DLs is pointless.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Professor Chesney said:

    Can someone explain why Terrion Arnold is getting projected in the top ten?  Admittedly most of my perception is colored by him getting roasted by Texas’ receivers in September, but he doesn’t seem like an athletic freak and defaulted to pass interference whenever he was getting beat.  He wasn’t even the best CB on his own team this past year.  

    Did seem great in run support though.

    Alabama/Saban hype, great measurables, willingness to be aggressiveness in the running game. Those are things they're valuing him for, never minding the premise that he can't cover for shit and will get roasted repeatedly in the passing game. It's good that that shit isn't important at CB though. 

    I think Arnold is going to be the biggest bust of the non-QBs taken in the first round. 

    2 hours ago, Fud said:

    Greg Cosell talking about McCarthy- 

    "To me personally, just based on film, I did not see him as a first type player in terms of traits and talent"

    "He was a system QB at Michigan"

    "He's a developmental QB"

    "Often at Michigan on 3rd and long the coaching staff took the ball out of his hands or threw a screen, and that always stands out to me when I watch tape

    "He's not a high level arm talent guy, he needs  his entire body to really drive the ball with juice, he needs that firm base"

    "Talent wise you have some concerns about him"

    When asked why people rate him so highly, "That M on his helmet and he wins"

    That's a really weird take for one of the draft gurus. It's almost like he's reading this board and copying our idiotic shit. 

    Seriously, I think he's the only guy seeing McCarthy straight in this draft cycle.

    • Like 1
  7. I saw a movie once with, if memory serves, Ed Burns in it. It was called "The Sound of Thunder" and was so bad that it got shelved for years. I was bored at work at like 10pm one night and checked the movie listings and decided, "fuck it, I am seeing this". I've never met another person who has seen it. I walked out feeling like it was a fun time, but I've never even seen a thumbnail on the streamers for it since, 

  8. 1 hour ago, Hookem2147 said:

    I just watched a game at Disch Falk Field where almost 1 out of every 3 people that attended were rooting for the other team. 


    1 hour ago, Hookem2147 said:

    The same thing happened in 2022.


    46 minutes ago, Hookem2147 said:

    When LSU comes to Austin for a 3 game series next year, Disch Falk will be 50% purple all 3 games.

    Get a fucking grip. Jesus. You think you’re the only one seeing anything straight and it gets old. 

    • Like 2
  9. 22 minutes ago, Fletch said:

    Well, I turn 31 in March. So yeah pretty much. My first Texas baseball memory was going to an alumni game in like ‘98 or something. Followed the next 3 teams closely. Then I had a family friend playing for us in 02 so I went to an ocean of games while he was there from ‘02-‘04. And an ocean of games since then. 

    So basically yeah. My dad filled me in on UT baseball history from the 50’s to the end of the Gus days. That’s a lot of where my college and Texas baseball knowledge comes from 

    This is an old callback, but it’s Tuesday and I am coming down from coaching a tight 9U-10U late game, so okay. 

    Arizona was a power for a very long time. They won multiple CWS and have one of the winningest programs in CBaseball history. They’ve put more guys in the majors than like 6 programs. Sadly, they’ve won a CWS more recently than us. They can be a giant in the sport any time they give a shit enough to hire someone worth a damn.  

    They’re far more than a kinda power for a spell this century. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, Lonestar88 said:

    No, as I said, I’m just guessing. They haven’t said publicly they’re a package deal. But if the two OL continue to rise, there will be more schools willing to take all 3, it won’t just be Tech. 

    Okay. I would assume Texas would pass rather than take the reach. They’re going to get whoever they want at OL. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Lonestar88 said:

    The Coleman twins are actually the Coleman triplets. The 3rd brother is a DL who isn’t quite as big and won’t be as highly ranked as the other two. I’m guessing the biggest school willing to take all 3 is the one who lands them.

    Sand aggy has already offered all 3.


    I don’t think that’s likely, based on a couple of things I’ve read. Do you have them saying anything like that somewhere?

  12. 27 minutes ago, Getafix said:


    A few notes on some '25 prospects.






















    I hope Texas lands Terry, just like most everyone else here. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if Texas soft-pedals this recruitment akin to Bussey last year and others before that. The tweener recruit, where no one on the staff is convicted enough to stump for the guy, is going to get less of a push than "their guys" for each group. I've heard WR, Edge and TE for Terry with Texas. None of those have been discussed with certainty. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 28 minutes ago, ousux said:
    5 hours ago, TexArcher said:
    Any chance Arch is holding out for a bigger payout here?

    Nah, my guess is it's something similar to not taking NIL money until he's a starter. He will be in NCAA '26...or whatever tf they call it if the NCAA goes belly up.


    21 minutes ago, ousux said:
    3 hours ago, BurntOrange&White said:
    Wonder if not giving his last name rights to EA to protect any trademarks or copyrights of “Manning” the family has was a factor?

    I could be wrong, but I think this falls under the "won't be doing NIL deals until he's the starting QB" thing, and he does opt in for next year's game. In any case, does it really matter? He isn't the only opt out, just the only one anybody gives a shit about.

    Incorrect. Read the fucking thread. 

  14. 19 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    This is really a very simple thing that the media is going to take and run with for no other reason than it is the offseason. He has declared publicly, as has his agent and parents, that he won't do any NIL deals until he is the starting QB at Texas. Is he the starting QB at Texas? *checks notes* no. I respect the decision. It also does increase the desire to see him in the game, and I could see EA going after him next year with a more lucrative package if he decides to not opt in again. 


    Besides, I anticipate that thousands of people are going to create a backup QB at Texas named Starch Tanning. 

    I wouldn't lend much credence from here forward around the "no NIL until he is the starting QB" line. That simply isn't true moving forward and I am not speculating.

  15. 7 minutes ago, immamac said:

    I still think it's stupid to opt out, that doesn't mean I think anyone is selfish or whatever. It's just stupid. having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.  Moron = a stupid person.

    I think it lacks common sense in it's entirety to not opt-in to the single largest NIL deal of all time, for no effort, with extremely limited scope and an obvious pop culture implications. There is actually no (brand) drawbacks to doing it, but it's not like it's bad if you don't opt in. 

    I strongly disagree with the monetary portion of this having anything to do with anything and it actually makes Arch seem more like a dick to say something like that vs just leaving it his own business. 

    That's all because you are an idealist. Someone that opts in, or several of them, is going to be getting paid $600 to be on the cover, referenced and viewed repeatedly on social media, ESPN, commercials, etc. That is worth far more than $600 to Arch Manning. Agents for other big names could well be saying the same thing to their client. You are giving EA an absurd discount on your actual NIL value. There aren't many guys that can claim that, but Arch Manning can. He'd be a moron to opt-in unless the money is right. This isn't Soviet Russia and guys don't need to make idiotic sacrifices personally for some naive notion of collective player/people good. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  16. Childers was just on Full Ride carrying @immamac’s water and calling Arch Manning a selfish idiot who hasn’t done anything and should opt-in for “the good of the fans” and such. 

    Why is it anyone’s business if a player opts out? Some guys have very legitimate reasons to avoid it, and $600 is meaningless to guys bringing in millions. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  17. My boy walked off a Friday night game with a double in the gap and then threw a kid out from the hole as the other team rallied in the second game to end it. 10U in the NIT.  

    They opened as the 16 seed out of 64 and were in the top bracket facing the #1 seed on Sunday. That #1 seed is familiar and is owned and run by Cal McNair. My son, on numerous teams, has run into that group of boys many times and I’ve coached a few of the kids.

     It’s weird, I have never seen a questionable call go against that team, ever. Our mild mannered coaches, the top 2, ended up getting tossed by game’s end. My son’s team took a big lead early and then watched it get given away. I have only seen a handful of games at any level of sport where I actually believed bullshit was happening.  Sunday looked a lot like Enrico Pallazzo was the field ump. Comfortingly, that team was blown out in the following game. 

  18. 8 hours ago, LonghornSean said:


    I feel like this is what you say when you know injuries are taken into account when they name the field of 68. Just get past OU and the Big 12 tournament claiming a sprain and then, whoops, turns out it’s an ACL. 

    2 hours ago, TxTower said:

    Looked worse than sprain. Whatever it is, the question is how long before he can return?

    Time for Shedrick and Mitchell to stand up.

    What time is that? It feels like the kind of time that runs into infinity without materializing but hopefully you’re right. 

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