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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by closetojumping

  1. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    Gee I sure can’t wait for four years of announcers going “haha Dicker! Kicker! That rhymes! Dicker the kicker!! Hahaha!!”.

    I will now be rooting for this each and every game. I hope it haunts your sleep.

    1 hour ago, texifornia said:


    I just hope they don't have two guys wind up in a fistfight in which they both get seriously injured and can't play for the rest of the season. #HoustonVsNavy2016

  2. It's weird, but I would be more intrigued by this game if SDSU hadn't won last year. I mean, I'm watching it tonight because football, but for whatever reason, I'm not pumped. 

    Surely Stanford will be motivated to show up this time around, right?

  3. 39 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Some of you guys are misreading the situation. The OSU story isn’t gaining momentum. A groundswell isn’t happening. All that’s happening are a few lingering comments and questions. This is over and done with. OSU and Meyer are totally in the clear. The only thing that re-ignites the issue is some additional, new, major fact that comes out that demonstrates another major error. We live in an ADHD news world. This story will burn out shortly.

    Someone on here is certainly misreading the situation. You got that part correct. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    I still cannot understand why in the fuck any PR person would let him release that statement. 


    I am with you. I cannot fucking believe that he released that statement. It's mindblowing. Did he do this on his own or through a university channel? This is fucking awesome either way. 

  5. It's weird, dickfaces on Surly want to get didactic about kolaches, yet I walk into stores/bakeries from Houston to Austin and find sweet-ish, delicious dough wrapped around cheese, meat and jalapenos, baked to a golden hue and then sold hot, and everyone of those places call this a kolache. Who gives a fuck what old immigrants called food in the old country? 

    • Like 3
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  6. 5 hours ago, texifornia said:

    I'm lost - what's that saying mean? Is there a difference between hogs and pigs?

    Hogs are much larger than pigs. You can get away with what you want as long as you stick to your own business. Go out of your way to start fucking with someone else and there may be unanticipated consequences for which you weren’t prepared. Things like calling a reporter a liar or institutionally fucking with another head coach and blue blood program might come back to haunt you later. 

    • Like 1
  7. Pretty sure Herman wanted to be asked. He tells you why in his response. He’s willing to cooperate fully with the NCAA about OSU if the NCAA reaches out to him. There’s shit they are doing at OSU that they are not doing at Texas. This is his response to the Meyer and OSU bullshit.

    OSU and Meyer never heard the southern/Texas expression “pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered”, me thinks, but there’s a shot they’ll have a better understanding shortly. 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    I haven't followed hardly any practice news. What true freshmen are we expecting to play Saturday?

    Depending upon how the game goes, every one of them that travels with the team. Sterns is starting. Ossai, Cook, Foster, Ingram, and Dicker are all traveling with the team, as they're on the 2 deep.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    Oklahoma State at Texas

    Referee: Alan Eck; Umpire: Tab Slaughter; Linesman: Cal McNeill;
    Line judge: Kelly Deterding; Back judge: Donnie Aultman; Field judge: Scott Gains
    Side judge: Anthony Flemming

    Penalties: OSU 7-40            UT 16-128

    Donnie Aultman posts his prayerful thoughts on his own blog, and yeah, it's him: http://refdevotions.blogspot.com/

    Found the shaggy thread on it where people go pretty deep in figuring out who these guys were. It's worth remembering when Big 12 games comes around. That Cal McNeill aggie son of a bitch better never call another fucking Texas game again.


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  10. 9 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    There are patsies in Power 5 conferences - Rutgers, Kansas, Indiana, Iowa St (unless 2017 is truly a breakout), Cal, Vandy, maybe Kentucky, Oregon St headed that way...I'm sure I missed some

    Oregon State went 1-11 last year, so they're beyond "headed that way". You go awfully soft on your B1G, I noticed. Maryland (yes, I'm familiar with the drubbing their 4-8 asses put on Texas last season, doesn't matter), Purdue, Illinois, are all perennial patsies along with Rutgers and Indiana. Iowa State is good as long as Campbell is there and, frankly, they've gone to more bowls in the last 10 years than Purdue, Indiana, or Illinois. Rutgers has actually been to 6 bowl games since 2008, but none of them of consequence and they are so frigging bad now that it is shocking to see that number. Maryland has been to 5, but it also seems like they're just always bad.

  11. Who has the information on the refs from the Okie State game? Has it been posted and have we done anything about it? There is no statute of limitations, in my opinion. I'd also like to track those guys and take note of whatever games they call. Surely someone did this work at the time?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    Saw on the LSU boards not to long they were talking about OT Badara Traore ( the JUCO that Duvernay supposedly told not to come to Texas ).  Anyways, apparently he's struggling.  Said he couldn't handle the heat in practices/out of shape and was getting beat off the edge/is slow.  I don't think he's starting for them.

    That's a real shame.

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  13. 41 minutes ago, alincoln said:

    I assume that OSU concluded that paying off Smith in connection with his termination for domestic violence would have looked worse than him making a fool of himself on twitter.

    Hiring a PI to dig for info on McMurphy is a non-starter for a public institution in the FOIA world.  Even through surrogates, the risk of leaks is too significant.

    Courtney Smith probably isn't interested in signing an NDA at this point.

    The bottom line is that Meyer, his program and much of tOSU leadership believe that Courtney Smith is at least as culpable as Zach Smith.  The entire saga is comprehensible through that lens, misguided as their conclusion may be.

    What I was referencing would be shit that is done at beyond arm's length from the university. I mean way away from being able to link back to the school. None of it would be above board. It happens quite often anyway.

  14. 2 minutes ago, campcrunk said:

    Out of curiosity, is this because Hornsby simply wants to be "the guy" and not have to deal with Card?

    Or does it have more to do with the people Hornsby has around him?

    Dude has a crew involved with his recruitment, including helicopter momma. Those types don't usually wind up at Texas. They'll keep after him, no doubt. I don't like the odds, nonetheless. 

  15. I think I cheer for this guy more than any former player currently in the league. I stood next to him before a UT game 4 years ago and thought "oh boy, this guy is really kind of tiny for a DT", and then he went out and played his ass off, like he did every game. It's crazy. Seattle is pretty stacked at DT, but I hope they find a way to keep him.

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  16. 33 minutes ago, DigDug said:

    No he's not

    Maybe he isn't, but he can go get a second chance on someone else's time and dime. He's taking up a roster spot and he's lost his fucking privilege. Let him find redemption at Pittsburg State or some shit.

    No parents, yada yada yada. Equivocation, equivocation, equivocation. Poor black "kid" of 21 years old is just misunderstood, etc. Right. He beat a fucking guy into the hospital because of a rear-ender, and he wasn't even a driver. I heard about it the day after it happened and couldn't believe it took a week or two to come out. Good riddance to him and he can fuck right off. I'd be saying the same shit if he were at OU, USC, ATM or Idaho. 

    • Like 5
  17. 9 minutes ago, Orange&White said:

    How long until osu wises up and pays ZS a chunk of money to stop tweeting?

    Honestly, how was this not a part of the list of shit to do when they initially conceived of this farce to save Urban Meyer's job in the first place? The list should have included paying Smith off with a signed gag order, paying Courtney Smith off with the same, hiring a private investigator to dig deeply into McMurphy, and then having a sit down with him afterwards, with an offer to shut up or the info would be fed publicly through someone like Snook. That's basic corporate corruption strategy when a cover-up needs to happen. 

    Given the amateur hour appearance of this stuff, I assume there's a bigger division in the rank and file of the power regime at OSU than we believe. Mary Jo White is not an amateur. I don't know what in the fuck is going on up there, but there's more to this ineptitude than we think.

  18. 1 minute ago, kopp0e said:

    Might be...

    No, but I'm not above being petty when it comes to things I enjoy. You are a human buttplug for threads. You show up and all momentum gets stuffed and either the thread fades, or some humanitarian shows up with new info to save the day and the thread gets going again.

    I'm not asking for much. Just take roughly 12 months off and practice posting in a Word document alongside various threads. Ask your wife or husband what he or she thinks with each post and tell them for positive feedback, give you the thumbs up, but for negative feedback, hit you in the back of the head with a tack hammer. If you're doing well on 8/30/2019, show back up here and give it another go. It's pretty basic ...

  19. 4 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    Wife and I were vacationing in SD in 2011 and watched the UCLA game here with this group.  That's the first game I remember where Harsin somehow made alternating Case/Ash on an almost per play basis look like a good, cohesive offense.  Fun place/group/game. 

    My understanding is that mileslong wasn't there that day, hence your enjoyment. 

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