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Posts posted by closetojumping


    7 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    One thing that I think will be interesting is what impact Canada's HC duties will have on his OC duties.  I am sure he's still going to be calling the plays, but (I think) he was a "booth" guy (like Herman).  Will be interesting to see how he adjusts to being down on the sideline and being responsible for everything a HC has to be responsible for on game day, while also having to adjust on the fly to whatever Orlando throws at him.

    Another huge benefit is that Durkin won't be able to be involved in game week prep and in-game adjustments to what we roll out on offense.  He's a great defensive mind, so that's a huge benefit, given that his absence hasn't been backfilled by anyone else.


    6 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    This is the one factor about the whole situation that makes me genuinely more confident in Texas winning.

    Let's think about this a little more, though. It's interesting.

    The Durkin distraction is one of those issues that makes the logic-oriented left-brainers in our base somewhat hopeful but dismissive, and the emotionally-oriented right-brainers pretty optimistic that it's a big deal. I think the science/accounting/engineering/legal/actuarial types are looking at this and assuming that if Canada is worth a shit, the team will be ready. The flip to that is that these are 18-23 year old humans who have been thrown into a bizarro state of flux with no precedent to lean on and a temporary HC with no experience whose only qualification for the role is that he wasn't around long enough to be more than the least stinky coach on the staff. 

    I'm on the side of the fans here that thinks this is a pretty big, unpredictable deal for that team. No Durkin plus the cloud of negativity surrounding that whole group plus Canada never having HC'ed is less likely to be a rallying point and more likely to be a major emotional drag. 

    Beyond any of that, Canada is one of the most overrated assistants I've seen in years. He has years of mediocrity wherever he's been, he gets fired at NCSU, scrapes further into the barrel by landing at Pitt, lucks into an experienced and talented QB, has one big year, takes a paycheck to get his ass fucking ogre-stomped at LSU, sinks back down into Maryland and falls ass backwards into the interim coaching role. This guy has to be looking at things through a fog of war-type surreal experience right now, and Saturday he's going to be the man on the sidelines for all aspects of the game in front of 82,000+ people, half of whom are going to be hostile. I didn't like his ability to adjust during games anyway, and now? Nope. 

    Regarding the defense, they certainly have experience, but it's sort of like Kansas having a ton of experience. It's not all good news because some of that experience sucks, especially in the secondary and the interior of the DL. Cowart is a fucking lunatic who I'd like to see us double-team and antagonize in order to put him on skates. The other DE is a fucking stud if he's healthy. The LBs? Meh. To me, we need competence on offense and our defense needs to show up from the jump and create chaos. This Maryland team enters the game on shaky emotional footing and if we can put them on tilt early, the game is done by halftime. With Year 2 in the system on both sides, and a ton of experience, I expect Texas to play like the Texas we all reminisce about seeing on Saturday.

    • Like 6
  2. 1 minute ago, Not a Sock said:

    So Herman gets fired or we never meet our true potential because Herman will refuse to bring in elite coaches if he doesn't have too. Fucking great.

    More of a slow burn over time, if successful. Also, coming in it was about "alignment" with his staff and admins. If he's thriving, he's going to be more likely to go hunting for the best and brightest in the future, because he'll assume he can assimilate them into buying into him whole hog, so I think there's less "bro" risk with the next folks he takes. I also don't view Beatty as a bro, even if they are buddies. He's a well-respected assistant and recruiter. 

  3. Just now, GW Hayduke said:

    Ah yes. One of the guys that Herman was speaking to when he looked into the camera and addressed “Fans.” 

    You should go ahead and give us your dissertation on what it takes to be a "classy" or "good" fan, and how the rest of us meanies are getting it wrong. That would be some fresh content that this board needs, and you seem like just the guy to do it. You can open by telling us that we're not coaches, and Coach Tom Herman has given us clear instructions on what he expects from us, as servant fans to his regime. 

    I have to warn you, though, I have this thing about me and my view of organizations I patronize. It's weird, but I carry the belief that a place like Texas football is bigger than any single individual running it, no matter how much shit the individual thinks he can talk to his base and get away with it. And I don't give one fuck how many games that guy or his regime wins in that regard either. The coach and his staff are paid and privileged to serve on the university's and its fans and alumni base's behalf. So I don't give a fuck if he doesn't like the heat places like this board can bring. In fact, I hope he never stops feeling it. It's nice to be under his skin.

    I don't know if this has just breezed right by you over the past decade, but college football head coaches with hubris, who think they're above their base, haven't had a good run for a while now, and that includes Mack Brown at Texas. 

  4. 1 minute ago, GW Hayduke said:

    Most fans think it is that simple but it really isn’t. The play caller has to call the Sam touchdown play when Sam is in the game and call the Shane touchdown play when Shane is in the game. 

    This isn't nuclear science or brain surgery. You fucking rubes who hyperbolize about the complex nuances and difficulties of understanding the art that is 11 variables to a side on a play by play basis are nauseating. This shit has been board clutter for decades. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Isn't the most popular hypothetical that Giles gets moved to DE/OLB coach and Herman brings in a rainmaker to coach the DTs?  That of course is after he sends Beck, Mehringer, and Warehime packing.

    And hires Beaty.


    I realize that this is the consensus fantasy of this board, and look, I've been critical of all of these guys and flat out in front with the lead pitchfork on Warehime and Mehringer so I am right there with folks, but I think we've got some bad groupthink going on as well. Or cognitive dissonance.

    If Texas wins 9+ this year, I think the chances of Tom Hermancipating Texas from the yokes of carrying Beck at OC, Mehringer and Warehime breathe, and Giles recruit, altogether, are slim to none, and slim just left town. Maybe he coordinates a soft place to land for one of them and moves Beck to WR coach/Co-OC (titles are watered down already, if he wants to do this, he will) or something, but that would have to be it. 9+ wins validates Herman in his original thinking, if he's at all the narcissist I think he is. That makes making moves seem way less likely.

    On the other hand, if Texas goes tits up again this year and wins 5-8 games and looks bad doing so, sure, he may clean house with the problems, but the odds of him making it himself become really long, and the recruiting for the 2019 and 2020 will be hammered dogshit. 

    So, I'm interested to see what happens with the staff after a 10 win season. I cannot handle walking through the game theory in my brain at anything below 9 wins, so I won't go there. At the 9+ level, I still don't see Beck, Warehime, and Meh becoming hot commodities. I doubt we so people clamoring to give them the reins to their O or anything close, and the salaried offers wouldn't be competitive then, either. I guess if you believe we have a big year and suddenly the likes of a USC or Florida or Tennessee come calling with a big promotion for a farthuffer like Meh or Warehime, then them being gone happily for everyone seems plausible, but ... okay, right.

    I don't know. Giles is never leaving unless he dies, retires, or gets fired. The other three have pretty good gigs if they're winning. I suspect we're setting ourselves up for collective disappointment. If we win 9+, I'll sort it out on my end and be happy until next spring and summer's recruiting fuck-ups.

    • Like 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    It must not be that positive if he put in a Washington pick. 

    According to the Hank Scorpio Cup rankings, if we’ve surged into second for Tuitele and he commits to Washington, we’ll have a pretty tight stranglehold on first place for all of the second place finishes in this cycle.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    No CTJ meltdown!


    7 freshman  on the 2 deep



    I was going to post on the depth. I count it this way:

    22 starters - 3 Soph, 1 FR - that is impressive fucking experience. Not all of the upperclassmen have starting experience, but I don't feel like any upperclassmen are starting who shouldn't be. 

    22 back-ups (in the case of OR, I just counted the first one listed) - 14 underclassmen, 7 Soph, 7 FR - That is where I want to see the majority of the most talented Soph and FR players on a depth chart. 

    There is a legitimate set of reasons to be excited about UT's prospects this season, and a major one, largely unsung by virtually everyone, is the upperclassmen in the starting lineup. We cannot claim to be young this season, for the first time since 2009, and we aren't going to need to do so, if I'm even close to right.

    • Like 2
  8. 9 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    A few possible visitors in September, per IT:


      Hide contents


    Branard Wright, Dallas Carter - DT (2020): One of the top defensive linemen in-state for 2020, I'm a little surprised Wright doesn't hold a Texas offer. If/when he sees the 40 Acres, that will change. UT has identified him as a top target and are starting to build a relationship here. The 6-foot-3, 295-pounder holds offers from Alabama, Clemson, Florida, and Florida State among his 20+ offers. 



    Oscar Giles will get to him when he gets to him, dammit.

  9. 2 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    Whatever you do, don't wear this outfit, it's bound to get an ass kicking handed down...


    I think, at some point, you might want to ponder the value of going with a quality over quantity approach to your posting behavior. Not every thread merits a non sequitur post with random image or YouTube video.

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  10. 53 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    I like this.  If you're gonna make sure you don't get laid, go ahead and make sure you never get laid again.


    3 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

    You're not getting laid because of what you're wearing. If you're insecure enough to think that you do then any time you luck into getting laid it's because she feels sheer pity for you. 

    A real man knows he gets laid no matter what he wears. 

    Boy, I really hope this ends up in a sweet back and forth for a while about who knows more about getting laid. That doesn't happen often enough on this board or the Internet.

    • Haha 1
  11. That Liucci report is one of the most hilarious, and surreal, things I've read in a while. The echo chamber that those people are in has to be something to behold. The sheer audacity of claiming that every single player is really emerging; that the walk-on fullback, who's never played the role before, is an NFL talent; and that Vernon Jackson, of whom recent footage exists of his running back "skills", is a developing threat in the backfield, is fucking jaw dropping. 

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