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Posts posted by closetojumping

  1. 4 hours ago, Fud said:

    I like EJNO a lot based on hudl and his camp highlights from the army all american combine where he was dominant. I'd be curious to know what the knocks are on him. 


    4 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    It's gotta be height. I suspect Herman isn't eager to repeat the Terrell Cuney experience. 


    3 hours ago, Machinator said:

    Is it possible that EJNO is one of those prospects with issues not relating to talent?


    2 hours ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    11 OL offers out total.  4 have never even visited, 1 apparently isn't a take ( EJ ), and 1 is a pipe dream ( Thomas ).


    2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    And Wilkins trending away at this time. Hoping for 3 of Johnson, Bragg, Shepherd,  green, and then find a late bloomer Christian Jones type unless all 4 come?  

    Is 4 a realistic number for this class?  It seems low. 

    I think it is important to remember that no one is bulletproof when playing things back in recruiting. I get a little nervous when you guys think I'm as certain as this in this game. I am passing on info from guys who know their shit front to back, but things change and the staffs don't always see it the same way. The way I understand it is that there are more guys that have a higher probability of succeeding and requiring less effort than the guy we're discussing here, but that's all I know and it is early April. 

    Personally, I don't get excited by the guy because he looks like 20 others Texas has taken over the years who were tweeners with no motor. But that's off huddle and scuttlebutt, not in-person observation, which matters a lot, even if I knew what the fuck I was talking about. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, UT Lawnghorn said:

    It seems like (and I think CTJ would agree) that our staff has done a pretty good job of identify and avoiding those players.  There's still plenty of talent available even with the avoidance of said problem types. 


  3. 1 minute ago, golfclap said:

    These early OVs for Aggy are a pretty fucking big roll of the dice for Jimbo. Not just Leal, but a guy like Bobby Wolfe? He's already been committed/decomm multiple times and certainly is enjoying the process. If OU or LSU gets serious about him they are going to have momentum AND an OV left to give and Aggy will have some shitty burned ass BBQ from Coach Price (*advantage Aggy). Ditto for Kam Brown (just seems like TCU will end up a bigger player if Brown can show that he can add 15-20 pounds) 

    Then you have Leal as well as Erick Young and Jeffery Carter. Even if these dudes were to commit does anyone think they'd stick? and there won't be an Aggy OV in the back pocket. A lot of risk for some perceived momentum. 




    The 5 players in Texas right now are all exhibiting very different approaches to this recruiting cycle.

    1) TCU - Fat Patty and the SweatTards are doing what they do - turning over every rock they can look under trying to find high quality talents that other schools have missed. They know themselves, so they're only competing head up where they think they truly have an edge for some reason. Gabriel Hall out of Waller is a guy they're going to work to keep under wraps, but he is going to be a fucking stud, probably at OT. Good luck with that.

    2) OU - Riley, Grimace, and Stoops the Lesser are encouraging kids to enjoy the process and not even commit to them early. Wease would already be in the crimson and cream if they'd pushed. We'll say how this plays out, as I think it is a risky approach for OU in Texas in this class.

    3) LSU - Mongo has been fitted with a soft 7 on 7 helmet and locked in padded room. They let him pound incoherent texts out on his big chief tablet each day and then they attempt to translate those glyphics into actual productive communication with the recruits. They let him shout cajun obscenities into a dead line or the recruits only from Baton Rouge and New Orleans for roughly 30 minutes each day before hiding him away again. So they are attempting to hide the head moron and the kids in this class in Texas basically aren't feeling them.

    4) ATM - Jimbo Aggins and The Silent Assassin are going all in on pushing for kids early and keeping them on lockdown. This upcoming weekend exemplifies that. It's going to work for some players (see Richardson), but I view this route as fettered with risk for the non-flagship school in a state like Texas. 

    5) Texas - Herman's Hermits are being specific, thorough and transparent with a very small set of high-value targets within the state. They're leveraging all of the advantages Texas possesses and they're being realistic about working with the trainers and such. Back behind that, they're maintaining contact with a list of back-ups or guys they might take who need to be further evaluated this spring, summer, and fall. Looking outside of the state, they've been much more liberal with the net they're casting, and that makes sense.

    I wouldn't want to be any other school if Texas wins 9+ this season. Win less than that and things are more open, except for the padlocks on Mongogeron's cell.


    • Like 4
  4. 41 minutes ago, rickyspub said:

    Definitely seeing a lack of initiative and commitment here.

    Excuse me, sir, but if the Sausage King of Chicago lacked initiative and commitment, he wouldn't have become the fucking Sausage King of Chicago.

    • Like 1
  5. 33 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    We played the Aggies around Thanksgiving for a hundred years and the OU game never became an afterthought to anyone. What would change now? Why exactly?

    They need attention because nobody gives much of a shit about A&M without Manziel (who was electrifying) in spite of their facilitiesfacilitiesfacilities and membership in the SECSECSEC.

    It also sounds like they want to get out of their new Thanksgiving "rivalry" because they're actually getting thrashed more consistently by the Tigahs than the 'Horns.

    Poor Aggie.

    I was listening to guys on XM 84 talking about how the UT/ATM rivalry needed to be restarted, desperately for the sake of college football, on the radio a week or so ago. We've all heard these pleas from the media and heard aggies talk about how big of a game it was. It's bizarre to me. Yeah, Texas and ATM fans thought the game was a big deal, but it was never a big national topic of discussion and the ratings were never significant. The nostalgia around that event is nauseating. 

    The reality is that the game never mattered to most people because the two teams were rarely good at the same time. Statistically, the favorite usually won the game, and often in lopsided ways. The essence of a rivalry game is that you can "throw out the records for this one!", much like the RRR game. In truth, the legacy of the UT/ATM game is that Texas annually buttfucked ATM but for the embarrassing streak of Jackie Sherrill and his bag men, of which RC Slocum was the lead, in the mid-80's to the early 90's. 

    I wish someone had the energy to do the work on finding the ratings for that game from 1990-2011 so that shit could be thrown into any mouthbreather's face whenever they wax poetic about rivalry days gone by against the goobers. Outside of a sad subset of UT fans, I don't know anyone from the Big 12 or SWC that misses playing them, and Arkansas sure as hell wasn't pumped about an annual game resurfacing. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    Davis is a stud.  His film is legit.  Reminds me of Roach as you could put him as a stand up rush end, hand in the dirt, or a LB spot.  He's a take no matter what IMO.

    He's a high priority for UT. There is no caveat or edit to that premise.

    3 hours ago, Fud said:

    With Floyd in the fold and Davis, Gbenda, Lakia Henry, and Tongue all listening to Texas to various degrees, you have to wonder how these guys are being prioritized. It seems unlikely that we'd take all five if all five wanted to come, but I could easily be wrong. 


    3 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    I can't remember where I read it, but Texas covets Davis. I think there's a lot of work behind the scenes we're not seeing. I wouldn't be surprised if he's No. 1 on their big board. 

    I would take Davis, Gbenda, Henry and keep Tongue warm. 

    Tongue plays at U Lab and has said he wants to play offense. Two big knocks against him. 


    You guys are underestimating the interest in Tongue and overestimating LSU's pull on this one. 

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    I doubt Kyler bolts unless he is a high draft pick. He probably makes more as OUs QB than what he would in the minors without a big signing bonis.


    13 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    It's a really strange dynamic given the family history. 

    Kyler's father Kevin stuck with football and had a cup of coffee in the NFL. He's a QB Coach now. 

    Kyler's uncle Calvin was a first round draft pick and is cashing a MLB pension check twice a month. 


    I have a main board post about the OU QB situation coming, replete with incendiary taunts and mockery, but Murray is drawing legitimate interest for the MLB draft right now and there is nothing OU can do about it. More on Calvin Murray's influence later, which is key here. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Machinator said:

    What does the staff need to do to get Collin Johnson to shape up? It's irksome that things haven't "clicked" for him yet, given that the entire country saw what he is capable of in the Coliseum last fall.

    I default to the premise that Drew Mehringer is a fucking assclown until I see evidence to the contrary, so I can’t go there with you. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Bevo said:

    So, I guess this assumes that he was pretty much a given to leave after the spring? I assume the coaches didn't see it that way because they have been giving him starters snaps so far. Personally, I have questions about giving him all those snaps in that if he does leave, then we have to basically start over at his position this fall.

    The good news in all of this is that the coaches are using him properly. Plus, Duvernay is happy with the way he is being used. With all that said, would you lay some blame on Duvernay for being a bit of a diva or do you think that the wr coach and Beck deserve the lion's share of blame for the broken relationship and the poor utilization?

    All of it. 

    I think the staff did a poor job in the 2017 calendar year dealing with the roster and the personalities and skill sets on it, specifically on offense. They basically said "fuck it, we're forcing this shit down everyone's throat and they're going to like it. Who cares that there is film available showing how to use Duvernay? Who cares if that's how he likes to be used? We're turning his non-quick twitch ass into a jitterbug slot guy whether he likes it or not."

    I also think Duvernay acted like a bitch last year, including going so far as to negative recruit the program with people on official visits. 

    If they sort the role out with him and everybody wins, great. If they show him the door or he leaves on his own, along with his equally negative yet non-contributing brother, fine by me either way. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Bevo14 said:

    Maybe, but we're definitely going to need a "2018 Texas will gargle your balls" thread.

    I'm already loosening up the ol'knuckles on a mudhole post for USC. I'll see what I can do otherwise.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Fud said:

    I think he's much further along and ready to play as a WR than Bush was regards to route running (not that he's particularly great at it, but Bush was a zero in that regard), and he shows more ball skills, coordination, and is one of the better jump ball guys you'll see. Bush was more explosive (phrasing). 

    If anyone is Bush this cycle, it might be Genson Hooper-Price (h/t to Nahlin for this comp)

    The most interesting thing to me in regard to Bush is whether or not he can catch the frigging ball. He'll either be a boom or a bust because of that. His future reminds me of John Burt's.

  12. 23 minutes ago, UT Lawnghorn said:

    "if Chris Nelson decides to follow some truly awful advice and transfer,"

    This is the first non-IT source I've seen mention Nelson potentially transferring.  TFB seems to be the most reliable 9.95er so this isn't great news. I truly don't get it. The guy will get to play NT and be a focal point of hte defense. I don't see anyway him transferring gives him a better chance to be drafted. he's not a pass rusher; it's not like Orlando is misusing him. Hopefully he will see the light. I like our DL a lot with him here, without him, we start to look a little thin.


    20 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    I said a few months ago the only reasonable explanation that I can think of is that he's homesick and never fully got over the coaching change. I bet he goes to USF to rejoin Charlie.

    Uh, yeah, man, that's exactly what's going to happen. Through indirect channels within the family, he's being pushed to give Uncle Chuckles another year. If Chris Nelson leaves, it's because of the beloved Sweet Chuck. That really amazing man who gave us the 3 worst fucking consecutive years in UT history who members of Nelson's circle remain convinced got screwed by Whitey.

    • Like 3
  13. 59 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Mack did a lot of good for UT football and I think he still can.  It was time for him to step down as coach and I wish he had done that, but that's all water under the bridge.  I view this a s a positive move.


    Nobody seemed to bear Augie any ill will and it was pretty much the same situation.

    Mack Brown did everything he could to undermine the program when it was clear he was headed for the exit. He also gave Charlie Strong bad advice on multiple fronts on purpose, including telling him to keep Bruce Chambers and to trust Chris Plonsky. 

    There are plenty of boosters with a bad taste in their mouth about Brown. I get what Del Conte is thinking and I do think Herman is sharp enough to know when he's being played, but I personally don't want that selfish fuck anywhere near the program. He doesn't want to see anyone else succeed in the HC role while he's still alive. He can go fuck himself for 50 more years for all I care. 

    Augie Garrido did not go to great lengths to undermine the program he built or his successor. I get where your heads at, but given what I've heard over the years about Brown's exit, I do not see things the same way.

    • Like 2
  14. I just burned through 10 minutes of my life on Google and Twitter because of this thread. I went looking to see if there are other images of ol'Candi and, well, I can't say they get demonstrably better than what's on this thread. She's a weird looking woman. The remnants of her twitter handle are pretty amusing to view in a timeline.

  15. 1 hour ago, Gardner Barnes said:

    What does he defend? His accuracy? His aggy-ness? His writing skills?

    Or just a defense in “he’s a good guy” sense.



    He basically claims that Hamm knows what he's doing and he's not the rube we all think he is. I remain dismissive of that as an absolute, but it's clear Hamm understands what he's doing in many ways. 

    More extreme than this is that Liucci is apparently very lucid about his aggieness when he's comparing notes and tries to deflect a bias. The problem for both of these guys, IMO, is that it is clear they're both fanboys and they can't help themselves. 

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