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Bruno Sardine

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  1. And that's fair. Though I doubt I'm particularly unique in this respect. Ceasing and desisting.
  2. Because racism is not the result of a complex system of policies enacted over a protracted period of time by the government of Egypt to discriminate against blacks. That's why CRT would be of limited utility there. How is that in the least bit controversial and why would anyone take exception to that?
  3. You wrote, in reference to CRT, "There is nothing wrong with putting in place law and policy which contradict human nature." Are there two jimmyjazzes here or something?
  4. You're the person who displayed ignorance about the world's second largest religion, asserting, falsely, that racism is fundamental to Islam. So yeah, if the shoe fits... And I never said it couldn't be used. I said you could try to apply it, but it would yield incoherent results. And furthermore, I explained why. Because the focus of CRT, as I understand it, is legal, institutional. And legally, institutionally, Egypt is fundamentally shaped by Islam, the scriptural tenets of which preclude racism.
  5. Not really sure. Just responding to another poster, who put things in such a way to indicate that he viewed CRT as a form of "law" and/or "policy."
  6. "Studying race critically and changing people's hearts are not mutually contradictory." No, they are not. Agreed. As I say, I am ceasing and desisting. Or trying to. If there were some way to place a wager on this, some way to establish commonly agreed upon parameters, I would happily place a bet with you as to how this all turns out. Although its goals may be admirable, I'm betting CRT is destined for the dustbin of history.
  7. That's just way overboard. And off topic. I'm all in favor of putting in place laws and polices that address systemic racism, including affirmative action. I never said I was against putting CRT in place. I said I didn't think it would have the desired effect. Now you're the one who is trolling.
  8. It does run against the grain of Islam. But not everyone who identifies as Muslim is true to the faith. You sound like an Islamophobe.
  9. You're right. Too much lead-in. My bad. I apologize for that. I truly do. By all means, attempt to improve things via CRT. I support the objectives. I don't think it'll work, but I support the objectives. By deeper, I mean that racism is an expression of human nature. You're not going to solve the problems which you quite admirably desire to solve unless you change people's hearts. CRT is flawed in the sense it cannot be successfully applied to broad swaths of the planet (an assertion with which I realize some of you disagree). And it is flawed in the sense that it will not change people's hearts. There are quack historians who assert falsely that the successes of the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s’ were anything other than the result of convincing American voters that the goals of the Civil Rights Movement were fundamentally noble, peaceful, and spiritually beautiful. If we want to continue to advance racial justice, we'll need a movement that replicates that. Something which appeals to and resonate with people the world over. (Maybe BLM will evolve into such a movement.) Something everyone everywhere will hail for its beauty, profundity and brilliance. Then you might actually have something. An idea that could change people’s hearts. I don't think CRT fits that bill.
  10. I assume you're a person of good faith, and don't take any of the comments here too seriously, since it's not face and face and people are speaking anonymously. I never said or even implied that intelligence varied by race.
  11. "ok I did now what?" Now you live with it.
  12. I didn't say to ban critical race theory. I didn't say that all all. You're not even attempting to be serious. Just poo flinging.
  13. I actually agree with that. Sorry I didn't phrase it better.
  14. Yes, but there are dumbasses who feel otherwise. Don't you want to equip high school students with the ability to shoot down dumbasses? That's why you discuss all the views, so people become aware, by processing things using their own brains, of the dumbassery that's out there. Then they'll be more proficient at combating it.
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