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futureman last won the day on October 6 2019

futureman had the most liked content!


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  1. it feels like we're stealing it.
  2. you’re taking his comment WAY out of context.
  3. is there an injury update on cam williams for the cotton bowl? banks a full go?
  4. you’ve inspired me. but I’m gonna do 25,000.
  5. I was about to chime in that Lucius seemed older than his boy but I’ll be damned if you’re not right. I remember that line. “my son is also nearly eight.”
  6. stopped following ridley's career at the turn of the century, I see.
  7. he hasn't thrown a good deep ball in over a year. the ones you say he "hit on" were not deep balls.
  8. how many times will the committee get shit wrong? clearly oregon doesn't belong.
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