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futureman last won the day on October 6 2019

futureman had the most liked content!


23960 Surly 1%

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  1. imagine having a drum of this delivered to the frat house
  2. how is it risky?
  3. damn I was thinking this morning that today was the 21st. whoops.
  4. I’d like to see the video of this
  5. the overrated scrub who wilts under pressure?
  6. march 21st! the first day of spring!
  7. I think we can all agree that soft drinks is one, and the other is either cake or cookies.
  8. already posted, butternuts.
  9. did her dirty
  10. -the ego on you… why can’t I be bomb-able? -who’s gonna bomb you?
  11. I think it looks pretty fuckin epic.
  12. as long as we’re on the funny accent overlaps I’ll post this. I’m sure it’s been seen before but it always throws me to see a full-blown chinese family start conversing like delta rednecks.
  13. we know it’s sick. surly is a sick place.
  14. yes it is. tebow was a problem at florida. just because he sucked in the NFL doesn’t make him an overrated college player.
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