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futureman last won the day on October 6 2019

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  1. was licorice pizza legitimately good? I always meant to watch it.
  2. big fella
  3. there was a game early in the season where bond caught a swing pass or a screen and ran around the corner at about 100 mph and it was awesome. after that I didn’t see him do much.
  4. I am going to wait to get excited on LOS guys until our running game consistently bleeds people out over the course of a game.
  5. so, what is the best spot in dallas? if it's not PL or TB's?
  6. -I don't think it was ramses. I believe it was toot-ankhamun. TUT-ankhamun. -tutankhamun? yeah tutankhamun.
  7. fuckin frogs…
  8. he’s already gonna do that at the AAC. you’re gonna make him go to jerry world too?
  9. based on what, exactly? what the services have written about him? he hasn’t done anything yet and he was a low four-star. nothing to warrant “super talented” other than you not knowing what you’re talking about. but we knew that.
  10. 877 thousand seems like a lot.
  11. look at that old grizzly bear.
  12. https://x.com/TheFigen_/status/1904967437667172733 as there’s no “kinda cool” thread I’m posting it here.
  13. it’s time to just ban the dogs completely. if you can’t shop without a fucking dog next to you then you need to order your shit curbside. dogs don’t belong in the grocery store.
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