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Everything posted by futureman

  1. it’s not even 30 hours from San Diego to Bloomington. where are you from?
  2. lol I read this first as "I'm over all that shit" and it made me sad.
  3. the niners will absolutely not make purdy the highest paid player in history.
  4. your father is absolutely right. we’re sitting there like IDIOTS, drinking coffee, without a piece of cake.
  5. go read football for dummies, dipshit. stafford is light years ahead of dak. there is no comparison. if dak had to spend the first 10 years of his career on those detroit teams you would not know a goddamn thing about him beyond his career in starkville.
  6. yeah I don’t think I can commit 10+ hours to rewatching season 1. my time is extremely valuable. if anyone watches a good recap on youtube please post here
  7. that’s a 1 out of 10, and fuck, I’d try it.
  8. every burger I’ve ever gotten there has been hot and fresh. good shit, especially compared to the room temp abominations that whataburger will throw at you.
  9. is that an autographed photo of @RamjetFDO?
  10. bro, until you've made enough cheddar to put a down payment on a sweet car wash I’m not interested in hearing from you. miss me with your comments.
  11. who gives a shit about fucking dirt-burglar bitch-ass corby
  12. uh oh I get to punch you now.
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