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Everything posted by futureman

  1. not only do I think he doesn’t care, I think he may relish it in a weird way.
  2. he was superman’s dad? when was that? jor-el or jon kent?
  3. yeah they’ll all just sit there in the field as you pick them off one by one. sounds like a blast I’m gonna try it sometime.
  4. I mean, surely Jerry didn’t say that? Is this real life?
  5. better? he’s gotta do a whole hell of a lot to be better than LJH.
  6. I assumed you were married to a cow.
  7. I think he’s on the spectrum. And that’s fine.
  8. actually, it appears the max capacity is <500 lbs.
  9. you just gotta give it a few more hours and he’ll pull it all together.
  10. he will win a thorpe at texas as a safety. 6’3” 220 lb killer roaming the backfield. he’s an NFL safety.
  11. can you just say he'll be 100% by fall camp next year? jeez.
  12. what are the holes in his game? seems like a guy that big who is athletic and "can really move", is "violent" and a mauler, "really good feet and technique" and so on and so forth would be a five-star recruit.
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