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Everything posted by tucker

  1. Assumes I was born rich. I paid for my college and lived on food stamps which is why I am so pro-gov support. I wouldn’t be where I am without gov assistance.
  2. Why are fake D ashamed of people making money. Look at the lizzy thread, and I maxed out my donations to her.
  3. Omg, I can have money and be liberal!! Why does money = Republican? Re: asbestos was a gross misrepresentation of what occurred yes, I have one of my homes in Hyde park. But live in multiple cities
  4. Omg, Lizzy admits she changed party when she became political! you have a posting history of pushing for any D candidate to R policies and complaining that they don’t have more centrist policies. I am sorry you have minorities moving into your round rock suburb neighborhood.
  5. We welcome you to the Liz fan club but please dump old man Bernie
  6. @gsoda3 aren’t you anti-abortion and socially enlighten finance guy based on Austin?
  7. Anyone with common sense knows you mean that you are a closeted Republican that pulls the D lever because you can’t stomach kids in cages. In this environment it is sadly admirable, but let’s not pretend you wouldnt trade lower taxes for degrading someone’s rights.
  8. She wrote a whole book on this issue
  9. Boeing falsified records for 787 jet sold to Air Canada. It developed a fuel leak https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/boeing-air-canada-jet-fuel-leak-1.5193550
  10. LONDON (Reuters) - A decades-old U.S. government policy reinstated by President Donald Trump in 2017 that restricts international aid to NGOs that support abortion is linked to a 40% rise in abortions in some parts of sub-Saharan African, a study showed on Thursday. The “Mexico City Policy”, also known as the “global gag rule”, also led to more pregnancies and lower contraceptive use among women in African countries reliant on U.S. foreign aid, the study in the Lancet Global Health journal showed. The policy prevents U.S. federal funding from being used overseas to support any organization that performs or provides counseling on abortion. Successive U.S. administrations have flip-flopped between rescinding and reinstating it along partisan lines since it was created by the Republican administration of Ronald Reagan in 1984. “Our findings suggest how a U.S. policy that aims to restrict federal funding for abortion services can lead, unintentionally, to more – and probably riskier – abortions in poor countries,” said Nina Brooks, a researcher at Stanford University who co-led the work. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-abortions-gag/u-s-gag-rule-linked-to-40-jump-in-abortions-in-parts-of-africa-idUSKCN1TS3AY
  11. If one domino falls... but yes imo
  12. This is a major policy shift. The DC elite always assumed that engagement would lead to reform.
  13. Ol Joe is like that distant elderly relative you had growing up. Loved them to death but every time you see them recently all you ask yourself, damn were they always so senile and racist
  14. Horny-bend indeed
  15. It must have been effective as it is coming down hard now
  16. Droplet teasing in 51
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