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Everything posted by tucker

  1. Supporting Nazi sympathizers to own the libtards?
  2. Cherry tomatoes. I squeeze an opening and stuff the pill into it. My dog loves it and doesn't even realize there is a pill in it.
  3. Can we talk about how the media is making people feel bad for being racist or nazi sympathizers yet?
  4. It is only going to get worse. http://austin.culturemap.com/news/city-life/02-26-19-austin-area-population-in-2019-growth-rate-reports-demographer/
  5. Somewhat serious response. The persecution complex of Christians and White males in US society is fascinating. As a group, it highlights their complete lack of awareness and introspection. As the majority, these groups could act with such privilege that any information/movie/show/discussion that calls attention to this fact causes basically a brain hemorrhage. The result is these groups invent a vast conspiracy narrative instead of dealing with the internal dissonance in their collective consciousness.
  6. They are suing Netflix for the Buffy TV show
  7. Listen to construction firms earning calls that have major TX projects. Some of the information is publicly available if you know where to look. Major construction firms are already a low margin business (5% - 8%) if they are lucky. Many have had challenged projects (Texas) which has resulted in making them lose money.
  8. TXDot is having to beg major construction firms to bid on projects.
  9. Ironically, it is one of the least egregious actions he has done. Also, no one should be surprised given comments prior to the election? https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/former-campaign-staffer-alleges-in-lawsuit-that-trump-kissed-her-without-her-consent-the-white-house-denies-the-charge/2019/02/25/fe1869a4-3498-11e9-946a-115a5932c45b_story.html
  10. Agree. I do believe UBI would be a more efficient use of funds but wouldn't go as extreme of eliminating all programs. It would be selective on which would not be included in UBI.
  11. Many construction firms have lost significant money working on Texas road projects. While the projects are a disaster, the are even worse financially for the construction firms. Ironically, Texas residents have been receiving unbid projects and the losses have been born by the construction firms not its tax payers.
  12. Responding directly to this proposal. A lot of government programs are to prevent people from making dumb decisions. Let's take food stamps. Who knows how many people would be responsible if given the money instead of food stamps but the number will definitely be greater than 0%. I look at programs like food stamps as not just for the direct receipts but also their families. If the drug addict parent received money, the kids may not eat. We have to balance efficiencies with the potential resulting social cost.
  13. You are talking about the current administration, right? The amount of graft and waste from the Republican party is mind boggling.
  14. Foxconn deal - The Amazon deal for NYC was the same strategy. https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/29/18027032/foxconn-wisconsin-plant-jobs-deal-subsidy-governor-scott-walker
  15. Over 25 years, I can make any math work in my favor.
  16. Instead of derailing the AOC thread. In addition to the Foxconn disaster, another example of why cities / states should not be providing corporate subsidies. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-02-22/electrolux-in-memphis-offers-lesson-about-government-subsidies
  17. But they wouldn't have collected almost any tax dollars from Amazon which was the issue. Additionally, the terms allowed AMZN to change the agreement at will anytime. It was a bad deal. Cities like NYC do not need to give incentives to companies. Foxconn is the perfect example of what happens when politicians provide tax give aways to companies.
  18. If you actually read, the author addresses that exact concern.
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