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Everything posted by tucker

  1. More info / thread on the bad CNN hire.
  2. Over 100 men caught in the operation. Has anyone seen @MrPhlegm ?
  3. Roy Moore? R almost elected him so I wouldn't be so confident.
  4. 1234 I don't get all the hate for Yeti. It is good for Austin if they IPO especially for the start-up ecosystem.
  5. Republicans on this thread are thirsty af
  6. alan dershowitz to the courtesy phone
  7. I am so SAD that I got caught being a lying POS
  8. Fuck rural America. Innovation requires adequate infrastructure and the US continues to fall behind. We could try to innovate to make the geographic issues for rural America less cost prohibitive but no company is going to invest in that R&D because the economics for return aren't there which means government funds. The next wave of innovation requires 5G and other upgrades so the lack of in major cities means that the US will fall further behind in technology, because we won't have the domestic market for it.
  9. it was a joke, but it is telling that AT&T and others are so far behind from a technology standpoint. US monopolies have been protected, and other countries adoption of China technology will only continue to accelerate unless US policy changes to force US companies to innovate instead of being protected.
  10. Whole thread is worth a read.
  11. Or put a parental control lock on their TV that blocks fox.
  12. Republicans fabricating scandals for this political advantage. Feign shock!
  13. Maybe they should allow Huawei
  14. +1 on pulled pork Has to be South Carolina style. You can't find that in Texas. Are we including foreign BBQ? Big fan of Korean BBQ.
  15. Eh, I can understand the whole process over personality but when you are new to the program any friction will make it hard to keep. Not saying that one shouldn't, but it isn't easy to bare all ones faults to someone that you cannot relate to in any way. All my meetings have been positive, but I am not going to connect with someone who has been homeless or on the flip side someone who has been sober 20+ years. My first meeting the discussion topic was sponsorship and what struck me was how much fit with your sponsor impacted success.
  16. Maybe Republicans should pass laws that get money out of politics. Oh, wait. They are the beneficiary of all the dark money.
  17. Checking in. Want to emphasize to others that are new how important it is to find the right AA group. I keep trying new ones and amazed at how different each location and even times can be. I am struggling to find the right home group but clearly understand which ones aren't a fit. I could see how this can discourage people, because even though I have a flexible schedule the effort to try new ones is not inconsequential.
  18. Am I doing this right?
  19. How are local cops going to subside their Rambo fantasy now?
  20. I say go all in! https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-dow-jones-industrial-average-at-the-current-pace-is-on-track-to-hit-30000-in-april-2019-02-20
  21. Time to buy?
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