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Everything posted by tucker

  1. White privilege.
  2. 1. Twix 2. Sour Skittles 3. Starburst 4 and 5. Strippers named Candy
  3. Or one group has so much margin for error that fuck ups don't impact their wealth while the poor never make enough to cover even basic necessities.
  4. My girlfriend forgets which toothbrush is her's and ends up using mine more than half the time. She tells me it is gross to share a toothbrush though. It is somehow my fault for her using the wrong toothbrush.
  5. Have we passed the threshold for outright treason?
  6. The aquarium sucks. The Coca Cola museum is pretty cool and as expected corporate marketing but still fun. Every time I had BBQ in Atlanta, I thought it was mediocre at best.
  7. Glad the Supreme Court limited the Voting Rights Act of 1965 because racism is solved in America.
  8. Yes, people generally but the poor aren't worse than the average at managing money. I have seen high income people live paycheck to paycheck so there is probably an argument that upper middle class is the worst at managing money.
  9. Is this even true? I know it is standard Republican talking point but there is no evidence that poor people are worse at managing money. They just don't have any of it. Look at Trump, he is terrible at managing money.
  10. Buy used.
  11. The media will use the word "lying" when talking about Kamala's MJ smoking though
  12. Welp, no surprise to anyone. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/howard-schultz-challenge-to-democrats-nominate-a-centrist-for-president-and-ill-abandon-my-independent-campaign/2019/02/14/208c25de-309d-11e9-813a-0ab2f17e305b_story.html
  13. King crab is easy to cook and was a big winner for my NYE dinnner. I brought home bbq and flowers at lunch. Made mushroom risotto for dinner and now in bed while she works. A V day that limits expenses and has no disappointment is a win.
  14. Mrs. Cruz was willing to get on her knees for Trump too in trying to lobby for the World Bank job.
  15. I'd add put in institutional controls to try to prevent this from happening again.
  16. 1234. I probably look like I job hop, but I know that if my services aren't needed then the company won't keep me so why have any loyalty to a company. It has resulted in me advancing faster than my peers and being paid more. Never have I had someone question why I made so many moves during a interview process. And lulz on CEOs being held accountable. I have seen so many execs blame the market, industry, etc on their poor performance while cashing in millions.
  17. The dems should introduce a bill into the house called the anti-redistribution act that caps the amount of money states can receive to the amount that is paid from that state to the federal coffers. Let Republican try to explain why in reality all the dem states are subsidizing red states
  18. Not at all. I have been back to SF at least 15 times in the past year.
  19. Yes, I understand Oakland but they have no reach to Inner Richmond, etc.
  20. Lulz, I lived in Palo Alto and travel back there regularly.
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