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Everything posted by sbmcruise

  1. From TxAggs: It's difficult to say it's just "one thing" that keeps us from getting over the hump. Unless, however, you want to say that the one thing is a winning culture. The fact that a school of A&M's size and wealth hasn't really been close to a championship in any of the major men's sports in my nearly 45 years of being an Aggie, despite huge money spent and multiple coaching changes, tells me that losing is mostly cultural. The school obviously has no idea on how to change that. Money-whipping new coaches doesn't seem to work, so why do it again?
  2. Nico O'Donnel Santa Barbara Forresters of the California League: 15.0 IP, ERA 1.80, 14K, 8 BB
  3. Kamron Fields no longer listed on roster of the Orleans Firebirds, Cape Cod League. 5 appearance, 0 starts. 8.0 IP, 9H, 6R, 6ER, 3BB, 9K, 6.75 ERA Release 07/06/19
  4. I’m frustrated with scholarship athletes (David Hamilton-scooter injury) (Sedona Prince-FIBA Americas Under-18 BASKETBALL) getting injured on their own time and then sitting out a year on scholarship and then deciding to move on without playing a minute for The University of Texas to make up for the year they spent on the dole.
  5. I'm fine with Ford.
  6. Why are all of Texas’ best non-conference games on the road for the 2019-20 season? https://www.hookem.com/story/texas-best-non-conference-games-road-2019-20-season/
  7. MLB Draft Tracker shows David signed for $400,000. Probably the smart decision for him.
  8. Mixed emotions. I like David and have really enjoyed watching him play in Burnt Orange and White. I wish him the best. I'm frustrated that he almost single-handily wrecked our 2019 season. Without him at SS, we weren't in the top 50 programs in Double Plays Per Game. Of course there were other injuries and a major coaching failure at mid-season too. I'm frustrated that he has now decided not to come back and make amends. If he had returned next year, he would still have had 2 years eligibility remaining, so MLB teams couldn't have squeezed him like they do Seniors with no remaining eligibility. I guess he and his doctors are in the best position to gauge his recovery. Recovery from this injury and resultant surgery typically takes a year and not all athletes return to pre-injury speed and quickness. If he had doubts, the safe course was to take the money and run. I hope he got more that the $162,700 slot money. I heard he was being offered $400K. If so, he probably made the smart choice. I'll check on MLB Draft Tracker for his signing bonus amount after he has actually signed.
  9. Texas Sports Story: https://texassports.com/news/2019/6/10/texas-baseball-players-set-off-for-summer-ball.aspx?path=baseball All of this is subject to change. Some players are still playing at the College World Series and temporary replacements will play until they arrive. Other players play until they sign professional contracts and then need to be replaced.
  10. It is true that there are no announced staffing changes. If there were to be any staffing changes, they would likely be after the College World Series was completed, since many likely candidates wouldn't be available until their current coaching year has ended.
  11. Since we didn’t hit much this year and recruiting for next year looks suspect, especially for non-catcher position players, Sean Allen, who serves as the Texas hitting coach and recruiting coordinator, needs to go. “I’m not going to sit here and be 27-27 and not make some changes,” Pierce said. “So there’s definitely going to be some changes.” Unfortunately the only known changes don’t make things better: Brett Baty dratted in 1st round, slot value $4,366,400 NEVER PLAYS COLLEGE BASEBALL Blair Henley drafted in 7th round, slot value $ 188,900 GONE David Hamilton drafted in 8th round, slot value $ 162,700 Probably Gone Bryce Reagan in transfer portal Pierce signed a unproven Juco infielder and says he will sign more Jucos this summer. We won't win big with Jucos, but can fill a need in an emergency. Pierce's last emergency wasn't his fault, this one is on him. Who could Pierce get to replace Sean Allen that would upgrade recruiting and hitting?
  12. Northwoods League Duluth Huskies Owen Meaney
  13. I researched this for a while, but stopped because many teams' rosters aren't posted online yet. Here's what I have so far: League Team Player California Collegate League Santa Barbara Foresters Bryce Elder California Collegate League Santa Barbara Foresters Cole Quintanilla California Collegate League Santa Barbara Foresters Eric Kennedy California Collegate League Santa Barbara Foresters Nico O'Donnell Cape Cod Chatham Anglers Kolby Kubichek Cape Cod Chatham Anglers Ty Madden Northwoods League Duluth Huskies Lance Ford Anybody know where any other members of this year's team are playing this summer?
  14. At the end of every season I sit down and try to look forward to the next year. I drop this year’s roster into a spreadsheet and then eliminate those players who are out of eligibility: Matteo Bocchi Masen Hibbeler Brandon Ivey Michael McCann Tate Shaw DJ Petrinsky is a Senior and would be out of eligibility, but will qualify for a medical redshirt because of his season ending shoulder surgery, if he wants to apply for one. We have three incoming freshman catchers, but it would be nice to have a veteran catcher to show them around and he can also play 1B and hit. Next I look critically at those players eligible for the MLB draft: Blair Henley-3.54 ERA not hugely impressive, but he did have some really strong games. Good body pitchers with similar stats and without significant injuries will usually sign. Ryan Reynolds-superior defense, but he only hit .272 with 4 HR, so not sure how high he will go. He was drafted in 25th Round out of HS. He could be on the fence and would be a huge asset for Texas if he comes back for his senior year. Austin Todd-good defense, but he only hit .256 with 3 HR. He could go or stay, but he is not a huge difference maker one way or the other. Duke Ellis-good defense and faster than Austin Todd. He only hit .266 with only 1 HR, but he gets on base a lot and steals bases. He could go or stay, but he is not a huge difference maker one way or the other. David Hamilton-his preseason surgery to repair a torn Achilles tendon significantly contributed to our terrible year. David is a huge talent defensively, hits well with some power and stole 31 bases in 2018. Much of David’s value depends on his quickness and some people can never restore their abilities in competitive sports or running after an Achilles tendon repair. Since the full rehabilitation cycle for this injury is about a year, it will be challenging for a MLB team to determine David’s worth. I mostly hear that he will be drafted high enough to sign and that will let the MLB team manage the rest of his recovery. This could go either way with the high degrees of potential gain and uncertainty. After all of this I only see two definite returning starting position players: Freshmen Eric Kennedy and Lance Ford. That’s really scary considering our .500 record this year with many more veteran players. Our recent recruiting classes were ranked as follows by Perfect Game: 2015 18th 2016 35th 2017 97th 2018 7th 2019 25th Unfortunately these recruiting class rankings tell much of the story, except in 2018 we have had significant recruiting failures year after year. The 2015 and 2016 classes were exclusively Augie’s responsibility. Much of 2017 recruiting class ranking was too, since much of the recruiting of those players was already pretty much done by the time Pierce was signed June 29, 2016. The 2019 recruiting class rank won’t be final until after the July 15 signing day and until school starts. Sometimes a player signs a LOI in November and doesn’t sign a pro contract, but ends up in a junior college because of grades or a desire to be draft eligible the next year instead of waiting until after his junior year. The MLB draft is June 2-5 and the last day for drafted players with remaining eligibility to sign is July 15. We will know much more then. I remain very concerned about our 2020 team composition because of so much uncertainty in the draft and pro contract signing of this year’s players and recruits for next year.
  15. I hate the cream jerseys. Cream is not burnt orange or white. Similarly, we should not experiment with black jerseys.
  16. Athletic Director Chris Del Conte said that jurisdiction regarding tailgating on the East Campus Garage rests with the facilities people, not him. He said that he was told that they had structural concerns about 100 or so people concentrating so close to an exterior wall and he joke about their lack of concerns about the vehicles somewhat similarly concentrated nearby. He pointed out that at this time there is adequate surface level tailgating space just north of the baseball stadium. He also said that the parking permit issued for the East Campus Garage is also valid for the surface parking lots North East of the stadium until UT closes those lots for construction of the Graduate Student Housing project. It was evident that Del Conte considers the issue of tailgating at the East Campus Garage a closed issue.
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