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  1. We had a great pool play performance on Saturday night. Went 2-0 and earning top seed. Lost the first game on Sunday to a team be had destroyed on Saturday. Jekyll and Hyde style weekend.
  2. We left at lunch break. Way to many kids. Plus I was parked in mud hole. Lilshep didn't want maldy to sign anything of his. He just wanted to get to work and learn. We had to park in the muddy area and got boxed in so stayed until 6:15. I was spraying mud all the way down 288. That was a great group to learn from. Bracamonte had a great station on arm care.
  3. My son is at the same clinic!
  4. I realize comparing Kendall to Mauer is a slight exaggeration but they have JT Tealmuto below Kendall. I'd rather pay JT in his prime than Mauer.
  5. No way in hell does Mauer deserve to be spoken in the the same breath of Pudge or Bench. That's the equivalent of putting Jason Kendall in the HOF.
  6. Just remind them that the best player to ever come out of Midland went to Texas.
  7. Ausmus = Girardi/Boone
  8. Maybe he just doesn't interview well. He's more comfortable around the guys in the clubhouse instead of the front office?
  9. Tony LaRussa is patiently waiting by his phone.
  10. My liver isn't ready for Ausmus.
  11. No way in hell do you hire Buck Showalter.
  12. Another shot of Dusty and his damn toothpick to follow a Garcia bomb.
  13. I had heard that he is welcome as long as he wants/has the juice to go.
  14. Dusty deserves it after the quotes he gave Smoltz about how nobody beats him at home.
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