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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mikey4

  1. And the fact that no one is trying to poach their coaches. We're good, thanks anyway.
  2. I haven't used Lexis in over a decade. Guess I should try it. Westlaw's AI is hot garbage, at least in terms of substantive legal analysis. It's scary how bad it is.
  3. Never forget -- The way aggy joined the SEC: https://streamable.com/zdou1v
  4. History in the making. Well done.
  5. I've had both for years. The combination of clear and pre-check used to provide the fastest path through security, but these days clear is normally slower than just going through pre-check, especially at ABIA.
  6. We barely survived the conference? We won the conference. We cleared the bench in the conference championship game and still beat the runner-up by four touchdowns. How is that barely surviving?
  7. That surprises me, but the First Amendment is not my practice area, and I haven't studied it closely in nearly 20 years, so I guess I’m out of the loop. Even if the state can prohibit people from wearing masks when they protest, I don’t think it should for the reasons I gave. I completely share your concern about protesters breaking the law. But if that happens, arrest them and reveal their identity at that point. This is also a difficult set of facts for me, and perhaps for you as well, because I disagree with these protesters and their message, and I would be personally happy to see them identified. But it’s also possible that in 20 or 40 or 60 years, my kids or grandkids or great grandkids will need to protest government tyranny while remaining anonymous for their own safety, and the law should be set up to allow them to do that.
  8. The First Amendment doesn't say that the right to free speech requires the speaker to reveal his or her identity, and requiring people to reveal their identity when protesting could chill protected speech. As long as the speaker is obeying the law and campus policy, I don’t see the problem with masks. If it crosses over into illegal conduct, then the speaker can and should be arrested and identified at that point. The threat of arrest should be real enough to serve as an incentive to keep the protest within the boundaries of the law. You do that, you can remain anonymous. You cross the line into violating the law or campus policy, and your shit goes on blast.
  9. Oops, they said the quiet part out loud.
  10. What a bizarre thing to post. Is that supposed to be funny? Because it sounds like you’re accusing me of sympathizing with Nazis, which is an outrageously offensive, personal insult and is not humorous in the least. I haven’t called you, or anyone else on here, an anti-semite for sympathizing with these protesters, and I would appreciate the reciprocal courtesy of people not accusing me of hideous things based on my disagreement with the protesters. Those accusations are not based in reality and are not constructive.
  11. If the police gave her a lawful order to leave or remove an illegal encampment, and she refused, that's a FAFO situation.
  12. Great. I oppose Nazis and do not want them on campus.
  13. Legally, you are right. But practically, I am much more skeptical of someone who has no apparent reason to be on campus in the first place. if you’re not a stakeholder of the university -- not a student, not a professor, not an employee, not an alum, not there to attend some official function, etc. -- then you may be less likely to care about following university policy. But yes, I agree, hate, and lawlessness have no place on campus, regardless of the source.
  14. You missed the part where I specifically limited my comment to people exhibiting hate or lawlessness. Unless you are OK with the public assembling on campus to engage in illegal conduct or to say hateful things to or about minority groups.
  15. OK then, if you're referring to legit racism, then I agree. I couldn't tell what exactly you were referring to.
  16. Absolutely. We should not support racism of any kind. Right again. My only caution is that your description is pretty vague, and more than once I've seen accusations of racism lightly thrown around based on very thin evidence, such as some loose guilt by association. if people are exhibiting racism, then they should be condemned. But that accusation should be reserved for real cases of racism and not used as a cheap way to dunk on someone who is not personally engaging in racist speech or behavior. If someone writes something we disagree with, but it is not racist, let’s engage with the idea and debate the idea and avoid slandering people with false accusations.
  17. well, you are right to do so. We should not tolerate hate and lawlessness on campus by anyone, and certainly not by outside forces who are bringing their political agendas onto our campus.
  18. I watched a lot of the UCLA videos, and your description matches what I saw. In a nutshell, the confrontation arose because the protesters were forcibly excluding members of the public from entering a public space. The counter protesters were trying to enter the public space, as they had a right to do, and that led to the escalation and violence. Don’t put up barricades in public spaces, don’t prevent other members of the public from exercising their rights to share in those spaces, and demand that police remove these obstructions immediately, and none of this happens.
  19. That's not what you said. You said that racists have overtaken the counter-protests. The implication is that the people displaying the American flag and singing the anthem are engaging in racism. They're not.
  20. That's a very big accusation. Which counter-protests were overtaken by racists, and how do you know they are racist? The videos I saw mainly show people singing the national anthem and displaying the American flag, which is protected free speech, not racism. I saw a couple of instances where counter-protesters yelled, hit, or said mean things to protesters, but I didn't see where they had overtaken the counter-protests, and I didn't hear obvious racist slurs.
  21. And none of that should be controversial at all. The people defending these protests are 100% correct -- the police and universities should and must be hands off when it comes to peaceful, lawful protests. But once the protest crosses the line into violence or lawlessness, it needs to be addressed immediately or risk it evolving into the awful displays we are seeing around the country.
  22. I didn't paint in broad strokes, my post was nuanced and accounted for the fact that some of the protesters are capitalists. If you look at the Venn diagram of capitalists and pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses, there's an overlap. You just have to squint a little bit to see it.
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