I have been mulling the short-term and long-term risks of getting an mRNA vaccine vs. not getting an mRNA vaccine. Without a vaccine, given my age/risk profile, I have a very low risk of severe covid infection in the short term. With a vaccine, I probably have a very low risk of severe adverse vaccination reaction in the short term. Both options carry short term risks, but on balance, I feel safer getting the vaccine. My evaluation of long-term risks is similar. Covid presents unknown long-term risks, including cardiac risks. The vaccine also presents completely unknown long-term risks. On balance, I lean slightly towards favoring the long-term risks of a covid infection, but this is mostly a blind guess. As the vaccines become available, I expect to see a lot of discussion and analysis of potential long-term risks and will be paying close attention to this subject before making a decision. If I had to guess, I will eventually decide that all risks are sufficiently low and will get vaccinated to have peace of mind about returning to normal.