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Certifiably Surly
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About Mikey4

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  1. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/forum/10-music/
  2. Looks like we dropped from #10 to #24 after that game: https://sportsdata.usatoday.com/football/ncaaf/coaches-poll/1997-1998/1997-09-15
  3. Michigan dropped out in the next poll but still received 132 votes, the second-most votes for any unranked team: https://sportsdata.usatoday.com/football/ncaaf/coaches-poll/2007-2008/2007-09-04 FL State dropped from #10 to not receiving a single vote in the poll.
  4. FL State went from #10 to not getting any votes AT ALL. I've never seen that kind of a drop in one week.
  5. what surprised me more about Gibson was how he hit the edge with speed on one of his early runs. I figured he would be good between the tackles, but I didn’t realize how fast he is.
  6. Somebody score a fucking point. Or 3. Just get a lead and keep it it please. Edit: and stop flopping. Just cut it out and get to game over.
  7. Cook was what surprised me. Hopefully it's just an issue of groupings, who plays best together. Really want to seek Cook ball.
  8. I was just looking back, and he was ranked #6 in the country at one point. then dropped all the way down to number 111. Even that was way too high it seems.
  9. they said similar shit leading up to the Bama game last year. Blah blah blah, SEC SEC SEC, can’t handle the grind, nobody beats Saban in Tuscaloosa.
  10. This should be the title of the game thread
  11. Trying not to CR...we have criminal laws that prohibit some forms of "support" for terrorism and terrorist organizations. If someone violates one of those laws, then he should be prosecuted. But if a U.S. citizen is simply advocating unpopular political opinions, then he should be mercilessly ridiculed in the public square, so to speak, but should not be prosecuted and certainly should not be deported. TLDR: Fight dumb speech with smart speech.
  12. "Is it really possible to put 4 DEs on the field for 3rd and long?"
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