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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mikey4

  1. I didn't read the comment that way, but whatever. I've said my piece. This is becoming a bigger deal than it should be.
  2. Fair enough. I agree with all of your policy points -- we should have been testing in mass volumes weeks ago, and the fact that we aren't shows a failure of leadership. Policy discussions should absolutely be in bounds, and I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. It's one thing to discuss policy and another thing to single out a particular politician as "a fucking hack," which is what OP did. We should all want to keep this thread from spiraling into a debate about whether Abbott is a hack, a pussy, etc.
  3. If I disagree with the claim that Abbott is a pussy, I suppose I have to go to CR to defend him? I think yes. So why is it okay to make the claim here? It's one thing to talk a out policies, but when you single out politicians as "pussies" etc., that's CR.
  4. The title of this thread expressly says, in allcaps, "NO POLITICS ALLOWED." Yet you wrote: That's bashing Abbott, plain and simple. For the love of god, can we please not cloak up this thread?
  5. Somebody needs to start a separate thread -- hell, maybe a standalone forum -- where we can bash politicians we disagree with.
  6. Holy shit, David used to have a poular law blog. I had no clue he had covid. That's scary as fuck.
  7. The Anson, TX police department has taken the extraordinary step of banning ALL criminal activity during the coronavirus outbreak. https://www.bigcountryhomepage.com/health/coronavirus/anson-police-asks-that-all-criminal-activities-stop-during-covid-19-pandemic/ SIAP
  8. I want to stay in, wife wants to go, kids want to go. So we're going to go, keep our distance, and keep it short. I've told her this can't become a regular thing.
  9. What does everyone think about small gatherings? Some friends invited us to dinner tonight... Combined, the 2 families would have fewer than 10, and they assure us they've all been indoors since Friday. Other friends invited my son over. I haven't seen any guidance about really small gatherings.
  10. My family is already pretty advanced at video games and day drinking. We're going to be fucking masters once this shit is over.
  11. Can confirm. Have been consuming copious amounts of vodka, and no covid-19 symptoms yet.
  12. This whole thing is a collaboration between U.S. intelligencia (to push off elections), the Chinese govt (to suppress new findings on flat Earth), and the WHO (to distract from the emerging research on the vaccine-autism link). Probably more involved, too. /nocr /no conspiracy /no racist to Chinese
  13. Lol, me too. Probably going to need the wife to try to cut my hair by mid week.
  14. She really works out. But her friends are normally there, too. So a little of both I guess.
  15. Same. I had to use a lot of persuasion to get her to stay home. We have Peloton, treadmill, olympic weights, dumbells, pretty much everything she wants, but it was like pulling teeth to get her to stay here. It's astonishing to me that her gym is even open.
  16. I don't understand this. It seems like keeping kids out of school would improve the situation, even if it is imperfect.
  17. There's a fine line between hoarding and being responsible. I have 5 mouths to feed, including my own. I don't think it's unreasonable to have 2-3 weeks of food on hand given the circumstances. I bought basically all of that back in January, when videos of Wuhon hospitals began to circulate and there were not yet any imbalances in supply and demand. I focused on stuff that we'll eat one way or another. And now we're eating it, rather than leaving the house to shop, so I don't consider it hoarding, but minds may differ I guess. But yeah, bulk buying tp and water is stupid.
  18. Great question. I was wondering the same. For now, I'm going to restock piecemeal from Amazon. Shipping dates on some things are weeks out, but if you order now, then you'll have it when you need it. Hopefully the demand will subside somewhat and a real grocery run will be feasible. Edit: amazon is pretty picked over. The stuff I'm getting is in the category of "calories to keep you alive"--trail mix, protein bars, etc. I'll need to find a way to get real food sooner or later.
  19. Tears at the dinner table tonight as I told the kids I pulled the plug on our international spring break plans. They don't get it.
  20. We're not as organized. Kids are 11, 9, 4. So far, it's been: - Fortnite - Rake leaves - Fortnite - Backyard sports - Fortnite - Family movie - Fortnite If we go major lockdown, I'm planning to build a fort with the older kids in the greenbelt by our house.
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