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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Mikey4

  1. I used some of my downtime yesterday to build a new computer with my sons. We built one four years ago, and that one was in need of replacement.

    The coolest part was that I got to raid the "cable box." You dads know exactly what I'm talking about - the box containing the tangle of random cables, most of which will never be used, but you might need at some point. This time it was HDMI and ethernet patch cable. I felt like a successful dad.

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  2. Well my mom justified it because she was wearing an N99 (yes, N99) mask and gloves, cleaning items as she went and then cleaning items at home prior to stocking them. In addition, she would immediately wash all clothes after.
    She worked in the Hazmat world before retiring. Add that, plus independent as well as stubborn you get, at least from her, a good amount of "Get off my lawn".
    She's not stupid just... old.
    At least she's trying. My dad was certain that he was in no danger because he was using hand sanitizer. I explained to him that the virus can transmit in droplets that linger in the air. So if someone coughs on the aisle, and you walk through it an hour later.... Surprise! You just inhaled CV.
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  3. My sister and I got my mom to agree to pick up. She is an extremely independent woman, always has been, but I am happy to report her children pleading the case to not go in seems to have turned the tide.
    I get the independence, and there's probably some of that in my dad, too. But don't these people realize the risks involved? It makes no sense to take that kind of a risk at 65+.
  4. And those mild cases aren’t going to the hospital, even with a positive test. 
    That's right, but you're missing the point that they probably won't be tested at all. A lot of them won't want to do it (too much hassle, risk of infection if your symptoms are caused by something else, no insurance, etc.). And the ones who DO want a test might not be able to get it given the ridiculous restrictions on testing due to limited availability.
  5. Well I was curious to know if social distancing in Austin is having an effect.  So I searched around to get daily case numbers reported by Austin and Travis County, then made a chart.  Here's what it looks like so far, an exponential increase would be just a straight line:
    Hmmm, maybe a knee forming around March 20th, hard to tell.  If we break 100 cases today that's kinda bad, because it means we've gone up an order of magnitude in 8 days. 
    "Stay at home" for us kicked in around March 13th, the day that Austin ISD cancelled school.  We are now eight days into it.  The curve should be starting to bend.
    86 cases in Austin as of 7pm today.
  6. That's where I am. I started feeling off last Tuesday. No fever ever though it was creeping up on Saturday night. Took a long, hot shower and that seemed to have knocked it all out. Still haven't really felt very well since then, though. Just general malaise, weakness, minor cough, headache and pressure in head (particularly the eyes) and some minor body aches (though that's probably as much from all the laying around). But yet no fever. I felt pretty good for a good bit of today but regressed some in the afternoon. I'm supposed to have a tele-visit with my PCP tomorrow morning.
    Not fun at all. Hang in there and keep us updated.
  7. I've heard that many who catch this don't get a fever right away, so keep monitoring your temperature, and hope you pull through relatively quickly whatever it is.  Are you quarantining yourself from your wife and kids?
    My fever started about 12 hours within first symptoms, and when it came it hit like a sledgehammer.  Oddly I still had my appetite.  No cough though.  It's possible I had something other than covid, in which case I'll likely get double-whacked in the next couple weeks.
    I'll keep watching it. It bumped up to 99.5 but came back down. I still feel like it's not CV -- the odds are just so against it -- but I'll probably know one way or the other in the coming days.

    I'm sequestered in one room for the most part, but I've been locked in my house for over a week. So, if I have it, then I've had it for a while and have been around the wife and kids the whole time.
  8. Yesterday I developed a cough and breathing was harder, but otherwise, I felt fine. Today I've had a headache all day, worse cough, more trouble breathing, no appetite, and extremely low energy (I can't be on my feet for more than a few minutes before having to go back to bed).


    So far, no fever at all, which is bizarre, because it feels like flu. Also, I read that covid can affect your senses of smell and taste, and those are fine. I guess I'll try one of these tele-screening sites if I get a fever.



  9. I have not seen any type of face covering at a store since February, that includes the generic dust masks for construction/painting/etc .  Then again I haven’t been scouring every store to find them.  But I’ve been to HD, Lowe’s and other places multiple times in the last month and haven’t seen any of those either.  Educate me on how to Educate myself on what the difference bwteeen the masks are, since I’m well fucking in tune to said differences. 
    Right, because -- guess what? -- people purchased them. If someone has a mask, there's no reason to leave in on a shelf at home. That makes no sense. He should wear it. If someone doesn't have a mask, then he should cover his face with something else. It's not that hard.
  10. Yep.  It’s almost comical how people just blurt out “the government should mandate this!!!!” when that isn’t even fucking remotely feasible right now.  Masks were gone from shelves in late February.  His is a completely ignorant take 
    Wrong. Educate yourself before making these claims. There is a difference between N95 respirators and generic face coverings.
  11. italy is making masks and gloves mandatory to enter a grocery.
    I cannot understand why we are not doing the same. This situation is so dire that we are killing the economy, locking people up, killing the market, putting countless people out of work, preparing a trillion+ stimulus package, etc.-- yet our leaders are not mandating masks?? Even surgical masks, if worn by an infected person, would slow the transmission. So why is the president and CDC not mandating or even encouraging the use of masks? It's mind bottling.
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