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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mikey4

  1. I'm flirting with re-reading The Stand. Covid-19 has nothing on Captain Tripps.
  2. Hays County. SIAP https://smcorridornews.com/breaking-hays-county-announces-first-coronavirus-case/ Edit: I'm not sure how you can make this claim with asymptomatic transmission.
  3. Here is what the CDC says about COVID-19 modes of transmission: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/transmission.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fabout%2Ftransmission.html So yes, wash your hands and avoid touching surfaces. But even more importantly, avoid the risk of inhaling droplets that are in the air. Social distancing should reduce transmission either way, though.
  4. Have not seen this posted. As this moves from international to national to local, this will be a very helpful resource. https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronaVirusTX Rumors megathread: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronaVirusTX/comments/fehpr1/texas_corona_virus_rumors_megathread/ You can also filter posts by city.
  5. Which is EXACTLY why a quarantine makes sense. Parents know there will be sick kids at school and will not want to send theirs.
  6. Two in Harris County https://www.khou.com/mobile/article/news/health/coronavirus/harris-county-confirms-two-travel-related-cases-of-coronavirus/285-b1c89700-4d11-41dc-8b7f-86ac9c45d64d
  7. Not enough firearms. Or ammo. Your list will only last a week in the coming coronavirus zombie apocalypse.
  8. Right. What we don't know is how many of the infected are basically recovered but just waiting for confirmation, versus how many are on death's door.
  9. The numbers I've been watching (in addition to the exponentially increasing infection count) are number of deaths compared to number of recoveries. In mainland China, 170 people have died, while only 124 people have recovered. So, out of the 294 people who have seen this thing to its end, ~60% died. That's pretty sobering. That rate is certainly impacted by timing. Death can happen quickly, while recovery may take weeks or months. If the fatality rate is really as low as people are saying (2-3% is what I've read), then over the next few weeks, we should see the # recovered far surpass the # of deaths. But that's a presumption, and only time will tell. As of now, we don't know what the fatality rate will be.
  10. Same. Almost every day I flip through the national news channels and locals to see if there is any coverage, and I haven't seen any yet. I'm sure it's being covered, but it isn't being given the attention it deserves.
  11. The suspected Texas case is in Bryan College Station. https://www.fox4news.com/news/texas-patient-being-tested-for-suspected-case-of-coronavirus The safest course is to nuke it from orbit.
  12. Music to be murdered by. Really digging it so far. Good workout tracks.
  13. The Evans recruitment is such a clusterfuck. I'm so glad we got Bijan. He doesn't bring baggage/drama, is genuinely excited to play here, and by all accounts is a great human being.
  14. What a beautiful moment in Texas football history. He was carrying that ball so loosely that I was sure it would be stripped. But somehow he held on.
  15. Our 2008 team would beat* at least half the teams on that list. * Assuming we're not playing against Crabtree on Halloween night.
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