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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Mikey4

  1. He looked really, really, really good. I've watched every U.S. Army game since 2006 and every UA game since the first one, and I don't drink the cool aid. I watch specifically for UT recruits and generally come away disappointed. It's just hard to showcase athleticism with only a few days of practice and a bunch of guys who have never played together before.

    But Card was different. He really stood out. I don't remember a quarterback in this game with a faster release and more accurate pass than him. Honestly, he reminded me a lot of Colt with his zip, accuracy, and ability to extend plays with his feet. And I don't say that lightly. He would see a receiver going across the middle, and boom, the ball was in the receiver's hands. Even with good coverage, he was finding windows and fitting the ball in where only his receiver could get it. And in high school. I'm really excited to see what he can do here.

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  2. Sam could not make the throws Burrow makes.  He was hitting NFL sized windows.
    His football iq / vision / decision-making is just as impressive as his accuracy, and that's saying a lot. One little mistake on defense, and he'll see it and exploit it. He'll keep plays alive with his feet and wait until someone comes open.
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  3. Green will be good by the time he graduates. Sterns and Foster will be good. The issue with all of them is that they are young and are in a scheme that puts too much pressure on the dbs. It is not coaching. Jamison will be okay but he is short and Cook, well at least he was ranked high as a recruit.
    Open field tackling is coaching. Scheme is also coaching, albeit not on the position coach. My point is that those guys have the talent to play lights out, and our coaching staff is a big reason for their struggles.
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