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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Mikey4

  1. Standard aggy homophobic dipshittery aside, you can dump on Iowa State, K-State, Okie Lite and West Virginia for a lot of things but "not caring enough about football to attend games" isn't one of them

    Yeah... So last year, we played 7 games against ranked teams, and they played only 4. But let's not allow facts to distract from the narrative.
  2. BON is a miserable, wretched place. I haven’t been on that website in years. Westcott completely ruined it.
    I forget their names but the two guys before Westcott made BON pretty good, and Westcott turned that place into a flaming trash heap with his incessant crying wolf about aggy taking over the state and his uninformed gnashing of teeth when guys like Scott commit to some lower school that would actually take his offer.
    Peter, right? Peter Bean maybe? He was great.
    • Like 3

  3. I love that UGA gets its shit handed to them in the Sugar and ends the year higher ranked, then starts the next year at three.  
    Maybe love is the wrong word.

    I thought we just barely won that game?
  4. Wondering why ole Zach is waiting till May??
    • Does payment from ohio state end in May?
    • Is there some legal agreement or hearing that he needs to get past before he goes all scorched earth on the world?
    • Does he have a book coming out in May?
    Surprised ohio state alumni can't find a way to quiet this guy...... Zach was on the ohio state staff since 2012 so lots of skeletons in Urby and the buckeyes closets.  If Zach continues with his rampage, it will come back to haunt Zach and buckeye nation....
    He's basically inviting people to pay him not to do the podcast. Classy.
    • Like 1
  5. Every year people predict 6-6. It never happens. Why? Their schedule has three built in wins. And like it or not, they don’t recruit as bad the joke teams people think will beat them.  Ole Miss, Arkansas, South Carolina. That’s easily 6 wins. They SHOULDNT lose to Miss State (I know they sometimes do.)
    My point is they should easily talent their way to 7 wins. Then they sometimes luck into beating an LSU or Alabama or almost Clemson. 
    There is no way in hell they are going 6-6 
    They had six losses in 2017! They suck even with 3 built in wins.
  6. I herniated a disc in early December. For about 3 weeks everything was excruciating. The very worst was getting out of bed and driving. Just torture.

    In early January, I saw an ortho doc who prescribed an oral steroid for 1 week and PT. The pain basically went away while I was on the steriod. I did PT for about 6 weeks and slowly improved.

    Now it's been about three months since the initial injury. I've been 98% pain free for about a month. I've started working out again, albeit at light weights/high reps and doing more PT and core exercises than I'd like to do. (and still no back to squats and deadlifts -- not sure if I'll ever do them again)

    Definitely exhaust your options for steriods and PT before you consider surgery.

    Also, there is a school of thought that says chronic back pain can be closely linked to your subjective expectations. I.e., if you are pessimistic and fear a chronic or catastrophic injury, then your injury is more likely to be chronic and catastrophic. But if you believe that you'll be fine and keep moving, you're more likely to have a short-term injury.

    I don't know if there is any truth to it, but I basically tried to be optimistic and keep moving, and my results have been good so far. Might be coincidence, but there's certainly no harm in having a positive mindset. Good luck.

  7. Illinois just bought a kid we'd been recruiting for a long, long time. Whatever pipeline we had into that area is on life support until we start playing the game as well.
    What's the basis for saying he took cash? If all we know is that he visited and quickly changed his commitment, it's pretty aggy of us to accuse him of taking cash. He's a kid who probably has very little experience making real life decisions. For all we know, he got caught up in the moment of the visit. We've seen that before. We risk alienating these recruits if we attack their integrity every time someone changes his mind.
    • Like 4
  8. That aggy podcast is pure gold.  Around the 27:30 mark one of the hosts is trying to convince the other that aggy will split (2-2) vs Bama, @Clemson, @Georgia and @LSU.  The other guy thinks there's only a 25% chance that happens but if it does, aggy's gonna win a NC in 2020.  OMG
    • Haha 1
  9. I understand the composite.  
    I also understand that if anyone publishes a composite of someone that doesn't exist,  whether it was scraped from another source or not,   you have a meaningless composite.  
    That one guy's composite ranking was meaningless, but it's not like it had any major impact on the composite rankings of the real players.
  10. Eh. That’s not really true at all. I think a lot of college DCs would at minimum be willing to interview for an NFL DC gig, regardless of whether they were happy in their current situation 
    Not when your HC is Jimbo. There are several top NFL DCs just begging to come learn under Jimbo and have the chance to dominate the SEC. They see what's coming, and they want in.
  11. Here's my concern. This is 2 years IN A ROW that aggy has pulled someone from San Antonio. It sounds like Texas is now shut out of San Antonio for good. My question is whether we can reasonably expect to do any more recruiting in Texas? Maybe just focus on 2* recruits that aren't good enough for the SEC? Or do we just need to shut down recruiting in Texas from now on and just recruit out of state?

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