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  1. everyone will get the coronavirus. Now with natural immunity, most will not get the disease, COVID 19, caused by the coronavirus. Just like when one of the 367 other known coronavirus' go through a classroom or an office. The majority are not affected. A large majority. Get out in the Sun. Eat healthy and you'll be fine. Fat peoole suck.
  2. always an outlier or two. I see fat people, everywhere. Nothing should have closed down last year, Except, any restaurant that is on a frontage road.
  3. staffing shortages, that is why. Everyone will get the coronavirus that causes COVID. Everyone. Now, it is encouraging that there is obviously natural immunity. Travis County has 1,274,000 residents. Only 1000 have succumbed to the disease. It's not the people who refuse to get that shots that are the problem. Its the fat people that are the pandemic.
  4. to be fair, there's a good chance it's a false positive, like all the others
  5. Lord, you are a sad individual. A preconceived notion of what appearances mean.
  6. sure they were. deny away
  7. the helmet stickers are awarded for meaningful plays. March and April were early on in the season. Less stickers on helmets, not as easy to notice them compared to June. Simple
  8. more proof it's not a vaccine. the jab you get is basically a thera flu for COVID remedy when you get a measles or polio vaccine you don't get polio or the measles because it's a vaccine. Everything about this event is backwards. Close parks and pools last year because the fear of congregation. Yet the protesters and the homeless around town escaped the disease while outdoors.
  9. Why do y'all trust the the people, big pharma, who brought us oxycontin?
  10. The flu and Covid 19 shots aren't vaccines. They are boosters. People still get Covid 19 and the flu even if they have had the jab. This is because there are no vaccines for the 350+ coronavirus' that exist. A vaccine prevents you from getting a disease.
  11. this is how we know it's all a simulation. fear and loathing at MSNBC
  12. stock market won't be the focus point of the economic depression on the horizon.
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