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Everything posted by hundredTT

  1. Travis Hunter most exciting player in college football.
  2. I had N Dakota St wining this. But you’re right, too much speed. Hunter is a freaking beast!!
  3. Bad matchup for a young Colorado team. N Dakota St always well coached and experienced. Didn’t like that 3rd down play.
  4. Got to midway about season 3. Very good show, but I eventually just stopped. Def going to resume while things slow down during the summer.
  5. they’re just better at hitting the big ass ball
  6. That arm dislocation was rough!!! Just tuned in for it, now on the best fights!!
  7. Verse is an absolute beast! Great pick there!!
  8. I ain’t even gonna lie. After about 10 IPA’s, this is me.
  9. Mahomes and him would be a nice pairing, but he just moved himself up with these numbers.
  10. That hurt, but the positive waaaay outweigh the negative. We get to beat the shit out of aggy again. Our 5 star QB is likely coming back and will be even better. Our backup QB is a generational talent who will help bring in more studs. This is a great time. And I did break my firestick remote on the last play.
  11. If not for Injuries, Penix had to of been the first QB right? Those dimes he drops are unreal. He has some damn good WR’s too tho. We will int of these eventually!
  12. Hey those connections at Rice. Probably his best bet lol.
  13. Holy shit Louisville had another easy turnover and botched it!! Fuck this team!!!!
  14. There’s a 0% chance Fl St gets in after this shit show. And Plummer is the worst Qb I’ve ever seen, holy shit.
  15. He needs to be fucking benched for that effort after the Int, he literally quit on the play!!
  16. LOL that spot. Sucks to be A cougar! I’ll take it.
  17. What a stupid fucking 2 point try there!! Trust your QB to make a play, he was ballin!!!
  18. LOFL, This ou team is trash. Let’s knock this bitch open right here!!
  19. Gabriel is pure ass, we better not lose to this scrub.
  20. My God that defense plays fast!!
  21. https://www.thestreameast.to/ufc/ufc-293-adesanya-vs-strickland/
  22. Deuce is gonna be fun to watch for years to come!
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