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Everything posted by hundredTT

  1. “Everybody, need somebody to love...” Fuck you amazon.
  2. And what a run by George Kittle. Fucking beastttt!
  3. One of the greatest regular season games ever. That was glorious. Jimmy G’s signature game thus far.
  4. Does SEC get longer halftimes? Felt like 45 mins...
  5. Burrow is fucking good. But damn, can’t help but think he gets hit the wrong way and fucks up his sure fire #1 pick. Dude runs a lot...
  6. My streams buffer like every minute, turned it off. Horrible rematch from what was one of the most entertaining fights in recent memory.
  7. Thanks spy! Poor job marketing this fight, didn’t even know it was today. I watched the first one, even ordered it. Ring doesn’t even look right, like a generic fight. Guess the money was worth it though.
  8. Start the fucking game already, these pregame montages with dramatic music are getting worse and worse.
  9. It’s fucking brilliant. My family loves mafia type movies and obviously we get a very limited selection now a days. The star power alone is amazing, and the acting is what you’d expect from legends. Absolutely loved every minute of it, even though it was long as fuck. My dad who has Alzheimer’s actually comprehended the entire movie, and talked to us like he was back in the 1990s discussing Goodfellas. Life can be crazy.
  10. I feel like this is the best post I've ever read in my life. I love the high life and always feel like booze gives me that edge to be interesting, interested, and in the moment. My whole life has been mostly high and low. When I have been content, it was when I found the in -between. But I cannot sustain it.
  11. Surly would say she's fat + pointy elbows. WNB. But I have a better ass than that bitch. Seriously, no-ass bitches are probably the biggest turn off to me.
  12. "Help your old man with the dishes....Stella?" Every time I turn on the TV it's fucking on there.
  13. I have avoided this thread out of fear. Still drinking a 750MLer a night. Since I hit bottom around 2 months ago, I’ve found a job, worked out and lost crazy weight, have a great relationship with all my family. But they think I’m sober. I’m doing it all great, except I hit the booze everyday still, but have mastered hiding It. At this point, booze just gives me the perk I need to feel content. I really love it. I know my insides are dying though, and there is no such thing as a functional alcoholic as much as I want it. When I’m not drinking, I just do not like myself, and am a very mundane dude. Booze gives me energy, excitement, purpose. I really hate this. I really want to quit, and am not physically dependent yet. But when I go a few days sober, I get to a point where I romanticize my drinking and have a drink, and it snowballs from there. And I rinse and repeat this bullshit. I really love alcohol, I do.
  14. Any commercial with a ringtone, alarm, basically any home appliance sound can fuck off. So fucking annoying. On another note, I cried like a little bitch to the new Ipad commercial with grandpa and dead grandma. Yes the kids seem like ungrateful brats whose parents just shut them up by putting an iPad in their face. But having recently lost a grandmother, I lost my shit.
  15. I’m sure you’re someone who has never been hit; you vagina bitch. But yes I’ve been cheap shot in fucking high school football under the pile that required eye surgery...in 2006 much less. STFU pussy, you obviously aren’t a man, please clean up your tampon blood trail as well bitch. if Rudolph presses charges, his small horrible career will be over. Get real.
  16. Oh pipe down nancy. He didn't get brain damage, fuck he didn't even bleed. I am laughing at the overreaction here, has no one seen sports fights before? No one is getting jail time, no one got hurt...It was stupid and definitely an overreaction from a dumbass. But let's stop acting like he needs to be banned for a year or jailed LOL.
  17. Yup. Rudolph was was a pure bitch. AGAIN, did he deserve to get assaulted with a weapon? No, and no one is saying that. But Rudolph is a bitch and had been at OSU, just not many people knew it. I laughed when that douche got smacked. Laughed harder when it was an aggy, who just hurt his career and image greatly.
  18. Lol, have you read some of the VY threads? The guy could fuck some people's wifes here and they'd defend him. But I get your point, brainwashed homerism is very far from this place for the most part.
  19. I'm not saying Garrett was innocent, he needs to be suspended long and good. Guy has anger issues, and is a stupid sheepfucker. But Rudolph acted like a bitch intentionally. Who the fuck tries to take a defensive lineman helmet off, just because he was sacked...even a bit late? Watch the video again. I bet he gets 4 games, let's not try and act like he will be suspended a season, get a grip people.
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