I think my body knew to post here or something, I’ll explain. I’ve had a lot of vodka everyday since November 2018, literally maybe one or two days where I didn’t drink. Besides bad snoring and sleep apnea, I felt great. The last few days have gone downhill. Driving home from work today in traffic I almost pulled off to the side because I couldn’t catch my breathe and felt like I was going to seize, heart attack, stroke...etc. but likely it was a panic attack peaking its ugly head again. It’s what caused me to stop drinking 3 years ago, I had alcohol induced panic attacks, my brain chemistry was all off kilt. Told myself I’d never do it again, and it is back. Last time I had a full checkup and had no issues, besides somewhat high liver counts, which normalized a few months down the line of sobriety. That was 2016, I started up almost 9 months ago and have probably gained 60 pounds, sleep apnea wakes me up every night gasping and heart racing to where I feel it’s coming out of my chest. I told myself today when driving home and going to my fav liquor store that if I had one more drink, something bad was going to happen. I bought my usual vodka, went to whataburger and ordered a large coke. Emptied half and filled the rest with vodka. Came home and still felt awful. Really thought one sip and I’d be dizzy to the point of need the ER. I debated for 30 mins and went to pour everything out. Went to the sink and my demon convinced to take a sip and if I felt unsteady to throw it out. After a few sips, I started to feel almost crazy because my anxiety was topped out and I felt like this feeling of a few drinks of alcohol was only going to really fuck me up, like it would leave me in limbo. Decided to keep drinking, to make me feel better and this time it took a lot of booze to start to make me feel good. Just about finished the bottle and I’m back to bliss, can’t even deny I feel like a million bucks...music sounds better, shows are funnier, food tastes better. I’m a fucking full on addict, no doubt. Even posting gives me gratification, that I wouldn’t even bother with when sober. The last few days I wake up fine, but around 2-3pm I’m jittery, shaky, feel full on anxiety. I usually drink around 5pm everyday. I hope I'm not dependent on booze, would 9 months of straight drinking hardcore get to withdrawal levels in talks experience? Asking the experts.