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Certifiably Surly
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About SubliminalHorn

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  1. That gif doesn’t even make sense
  2. Calmer than you are. I bet he doesn’t go around finding week old posts to neg when someone negs him like somebody
  3. Because people are morons and believe disinformation and propaganda and were conned?
  4. And we still have posters here soooo excited about their swastikars and the new features coming any day now! Get rid of those fucking cars. Stop buying Tesla shit
  5. If the wannabe dictator is going to be stopped, the GQP is going to have to do it. Which means turn out the lights the party’s over
  6. Fuck that kid and their shitty mom
  7. You can’t? Moron boomer MAGAts love to broadcast their idiocy
  8. Aw poor thing has to confront reality sometimes
  9. I saw on texaggy that someone brought up some policy that Obama put in place in 2013. What year is it? I wasn’t expecting a “but Obama” for this one. I should have
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