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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Started watching this a while back. Haven’t finished it but it’s really good. This how fascism takes over and erases queerness Eldorado, Everything the Nazis Hate
  2. Is it? Between tik tok and Palestine, I think they’re going to be the biggest drop off in support in November
  3. Is it ok to shout in their face and harass them? No. If theyre just chanting and paying them no mind as they walk by? It’s ugly, but I don’t see why that should be shut down with the force of the state
  4. Do you see a difference between intimidating chants and literal harassment? should the neo nazis in Charlottesville been shut down with brute force from the state because of their chant of “Jews will not replace us”? That’s a pretty intimidating chant, is it harassment?
  5. I didn’t realize intimidating chants scared you so much
  6. Fuck dps pigs and the fascists that lick their boots
  7. Fuck abbot. Fuck hartzell. Fuck the dps. Fuck fascists
  8. Yeah if the founding fathers wanted the general welfare of the nation to be taken care of, they would have put it in the constitution
  9. I don’t think anyone who has decided that this guy gets their vote after his vaccine lunacy and conspiracy theories will be swayed by his family endorsing Biden
  10. We expect shit heads to vote for shit heads. You think we’d be shocked?
  11. Driving through Barton Hills to pick my pup up from the groomer and I saw like 4 Kennedy signs. Ok I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that that neighborhood has some kooky characters. But it does concern me a bit. Those were Biden voters in 2020. I have this sinking feeling Kennedy is going to swing it to that fucking guy. I hope I’m wrong
  12. Can our resident lawyers defend the decision not to hear McKesson v. Doe allowing the 5th Circuit decision to stand? Sounds like one more step towards fascism
  13. THEY. DON’T. CARE Rural morons will still vote against their interests as long as there is an R next to the name. Cults and brainwashing have that effect
  14. I hope that moron loses everything and has to rely on government assistance to survive his retirement. I hear your 70s is the best time to have your entire life savings wiped out
  15. I’d be ok if she exited before the election, just go ahead and speed it up if you hate it here so much These America loving patriots sure do hate them some fellow Americans
  16. Watching 1st episode right now. She cray
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