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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. I don’t remember the last time I was this fucking pumped about a presidential ticket. Yeah I was excited about Obama. But this is different. 2008 didn’t have the end of the republic lurking around the corner. It’s fucking on
  2. I mean it’s only the biggest decision Kamala has to make in her election run up to now.
  3. My husband and I were talking about this the other day. Obviously the only reason he wants to be POTUS again is to avoid prosecution and jail time. But all he had to do was prop up Haley, support her, and make sure she pardons him and/or makes his federal cases go bye bye. And I think Haley would probably win (this is before Kamala entered the race). He could have just played kingmaker of the GQP while gorging himself on Big Macs all day at mar a lago. But no, his narcissism won’t let someone else win and have the spotlight
  4. And even if it was, who gives a shiiiit. It’s a painting. It’s not like it’s an actual fucking photograph of a weird dinner where everyone sits on the same side of the table Damn beat me by only 8 hours
  5. Make sure you keep your precious spawn away from all museums then. They might catch glimpses of some naughty things
  6. I’m sure you took the time to educate them regarding art and what they represented right?
  7. I didn’t see the video, but are we sure it isn’t from Folsom St festival? That is adults only and yes, its off the chain
  8. Wtf you talking about. Y’all sound old still trying to figure out what brat means
  9. They REALLY hate women and feminism. It’s almost fascist, in a way 🤔
  10. I know the answer, but does it even make fucking sense for a woman to go through 9 months of pregnancy, the morning sickness and other maladies, putting together a nursery, probably choosing a name, all that just to get to the point the healthy baby is about to be born to say, you know what, I’m just not vibing with this. Go ahead and abort it. Does that make any fucking sense at all?
  11. With an infinite number of universes and realities, nothing is out of the realm of possibility. But this universe and this reality? Not gonna hold my breath
  12. What percentage of yokels in that crowd know who Margaret thatcher is
  13. Oh no, were people being mean? Not nice? God quit crying. Many of those that were calling for Biden to step aside and got some shit for it, are still here posting. Why? Because who gives a shit if someone disagrees with you or calls you an idiot. Grow some thicker skin and have cogent arguments.
  14. I think the most simple answer is that they’re cocky and think they have it in the bag. The tone is set from the top down and trump doesn’t think there’s any chance he’ll lose either that or they’re planning a full blown coup
  15. I’m voting Democratic because I can not and will not support a party that takes aim at my family’s wellbeing and security. My family, and others like it, is truly fearful of what another trump presidency would bring. I grew up an Air Force brat and was always patriotic. The national anthem playing before movies, seeing air shows, seeing my dad as an officer. Believing that our country was special and good. I still consider myself patriotic because I know the potential we have and love this country. Only one choice right now helps form a more perfect union. The republicans are openly calling for civil unrest and war. That’s grotesque. I’m sick of them attacking and marginalizing anyone who isn’t white, male, straight, and christian. So yeah, let’s fucking go Kamala and Democrats
  16. I couldn’t give a shit if you like my candidate. I’m not in a cult. You do you. What I do give a shit about is someone coming with actually facts and positions when you say something like, she isn’t very smart. Ok what data do you have that support that assertion? Like are you privy to her transcripts or something?
  17. You would think having such large cities would push us at least more purple. But Dallas and Houston (and Austin and San Antonio to a smaller degree) are completely surrounded by large populations of magats
  18. Who fucking cares what happened in the primaries FOUR fucking years ago. How is she not presidential? Why isn’t she very smart? What are some examples of her not speaking well?
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