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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. He’s saying what we should be discussing after that fucking guy was ruled ineligible to run by a competent and uncorrupted SCOTUS
  2. I've had orgasms! I've had tons of orgasms! I've had one with your mom, dude! I will strangle you, I'll stick my goddamn thumb through your eye!
  3. Why, when the party in question has proved to embrace racism along many other isms to scare people and remain in power
  4. Let me guess, CowTown isn’t going to come back and list REAL reasons that Biden has been a bad president
  5. I have that on my work iPad for Home Health. If I didn’t I would have been screwed trying to find patient’s homes lol
  6. I mean, it’s genius. Planning on stopping the run? Why has this never been tried before?
  7. Welp that does it for us against them this year. Elko is gonna focus on the run. We’re doomed.
  8. It was bad. I still don’t really know who anyone is or what the point of them existing was. Like so was it supernatural or nah. They tried too hard but at the same time didn’t seem to try at all to create a compelling story
  9. Where’s a fucking link to this waitlist? First I heard about it was today and I can’t find shit on the googletron edit: nvm just found it in my email lol
  10. When is this city going to get some gotdamn museums? Even Fort Worth beats Austin in this category. Yeah the Bullock museum is cool and all but it’s almost a quarter century old
  11. Sometimes I wish I was alive during the Ancient Greece times
  12. Ok we kept going. Liking it more now
  13. Probably just didn’t do as much coke as the others. But if the surviving guy bought it and supplied it at his party, then he’s in a world of shit. I’m assuming he would have been arrested by now if that were the case. If one of the dead brought it over, then I guess he’s in the clear
  14. Really wanted to like this. Even went ahead and paid the 11.99 since I guess we used our free trial already. Eh, couldn’t get past episode 2
  15. My husband is one of those that has high hopes that Texas will flip every election cycle. I feel bad being the negative nancy when I tell him it ain’t happening.
  16. Sure whiskey can get ya. But 3 dudes in the same night? Gotta be more than that
  17. I don’t know how long it takes to come out of a fentanyl stupor if you are lucky enough to survive. But I imagine he was probably just out of it for a bit, not going outside if he didn’t have to. I guess blowing off calls and texts may be a little off, specially when I’m sure many were coming from the families of the dead, probably multiple times. But again, was probably out of it.
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