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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Had a blast. I knew it was going to be fun, but didn’t really know what to expect. Definitely an A+ event. Those triple grey goose and sodas before heading to the stadium may have been unnecessary in hindsight. But yolo lol
  2. Pro tip, those Lululemon Texas hoodies at the co-op are quite absorbent and can substitute as a vomit bag if needed
  3. So is it offish that Quinn is coming back? Haven’t seen anything other than a quote from him saying the mission next year is a return to the Sugar Bowl. That sounds like he is coming back, but wondering if it’s offish offish
  4. A little over 9 hrs to get back to Austin. Fuck. So happy to be home
  5. Checked into the hotel about an hour ago, getting dinner at Gris Gris now. Was a breeze getting through Baton Rouge. Ready to tear this shit up
  6. Does it save time or is that at least you aren’t sitting in traffic?
  7. We’re hitting the road Saturday afternoon, staying with some friends in Houston for the night then heading to NO on Sunday. post any traffic issues, speed traps, best rest areas for gay cruising, etc etc
  8. I’m trying to think what fan base the Huskies are on par with when it comes to shit talk. Tech? I think they might even be better. I think they may be the worst. And it isn’t that we have thin skin. Believe me, we probably talk more shit about our fans and teams than anyone else. We’re offended by how unfunny and unoriginal your shit talk is. It’s really bad
  9. Zuckerbucks have been banned? What the fuck is he talking about
  10. The comeback against Oklahoma State was the Rose Bowl season against Michigan right?
  11. Y’all are really making me rethink this dog thing. Thought it might be a fun thing and we won’t have to worry about finding someone to watch her
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