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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Lighten up Francis. They’re all jokes. We’re all assholes. You should get thicker skin edit: idiot
  2. No one told you to have multiple spawn. That’s your fault.
  3. Now that I know that even upper level tix at the Sugar Bowl are pretty good, I may pull the trigger on some I see up there. I just hate this game of “well maybe they’ll still drop in the next couple of weeks”.
  4. Yes that mighty and storied Washington history in college football. Truly breathtaking
  5. My PTSD is setting in and I’m getting more nervous. I just hope we all have fun
  6. The Union was far too forgiving after the Civil War. There should have been public trials and executions for those traitors. Now we have to deal with the repercussions of that mistake
  7. I don’t mind if that happens. Less tax money to be spent on her
  8. God shut the fuck about bands and get back to making fun of aggy
  9. This is what I’m counting on as I keep an eye tix. A good friend also works kinda high up for Academy so I'm hoping she can hook it up Texas fans are thirsty
  10. In! Edit: oh fuck yeah, just looked and our hotel is a 10 min walk from there. We’re bringing our pup so I was worried about logistics of taking her back to the hotel before the game. Let’s go motherfuckers!
  11. The people that rely on social security tho most are the ones who are most against making sure they will have it when they get older. How the GQP convinced their supporters to vote against their own self interests is fascinating
  12. I just want to say that I love all of you, no matter what happens today/yeshomo
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