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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Gotta be honest. Being a brown homosexual gives me pause about visiting a lot of places. Sucks that I feel that way. Nashville?
  2. It’s so easy to tell when liars are lying. Give me a fucking break
  3. I really like our atmosphere now, coming from an elder millennial. I agree regarding our atmosphere in the mid-late aughts. Shit we were stomping everybody not named ou, and we were still a quiet stadium. It was a running complaint back on HF then shaggy. Why are we such a wine and cheese crowd!! It’s a bit cheesy at times and the DJ really needs to back from a lot of his shit, but it’s fun out there
  4. We stopped watching a couple years ago. Like others have said, I just couldn’t take his whining about everything. It’s time for him to hang it up.
  5. God you can feel the pain from those fans. Devastating
  6. That stadium was electric. It was a fucking blast 🤘🏽
  7. I don’t think a single clap was on beat
  8. How does someone have zero rhythm? Like, you can hear the beat right?
  9. Love it. Love his story and love what he’s done here so far. Let’s keep going motherfuckers!
  10. I’m still laughing about them complaining about our weak schedule when it’s really not that hard to see that in pretty much every result in a google search, we have the tougher schedule.
  11. But I think the point of having more self driving cars and the major benefit of them is, ya know, driving better than humans
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