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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Ok ok I took a step off. Js is good voice of reason. I just can’t with this fucking traitor motherfucker is STILL pulling 40something percent.
  2. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4268075-trump-leads-biden-rfk-jr-survey/amp/ Can someone talk me off the ledge here? That fucking guy is gonna win again isn’t he?
  3. My husband worked at Ruby’s for a short time while he was in undergrad and he served Leslie Jordan once. Said he was a super nice guy /csb
  4. I was partial to the TC where I went to high school. The Austin ones weren’t as good for some reason
  5. Eh I’m probably wrong. Let’s get back to the topic at hand, the witnessing of the death of an American political party
  6. What age? Like 65+? I would bet young millennials and Gen Z have no fucking clue about that song
  7. Yeah my mom listened to oldies all the time so I basically know all the tunes from then
  8. They’ve always held the line. They’ve always been the spine and heart of the country. They’ve just never been recognized for it. And really the Black community in general, when they had/have every reason to say “fuck you”
  9. And I mean that dude’s on the left nutsack is not that far down his leg
  10. Had a great time this weekend. Didn’t go as hard as in the past. Probably because we decided to stay up all night Friday night partying. Pretty much dead for Saturday. Weather was beautiful most of the weekend. I didn’t think the crowds were all that bad. It’s easy to find areas to chill. One of the first years we didn’t take anything in like a blanket or backpack. Don’t know why we felt the need to lug a bunch of shit in years past.
  11. He isn’t wrong though, who would they get that would be better? I guess Elko? This who they are and always have been.
  12. Ug so it’s so goddamn humid today
  13. I feel like I should be more nervous about this game, which I am of course. It’s ou weekend. But I feel confident we are going to win. I hate that feeling in this game. Fuck ou
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