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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. I think I’ll grace y’all with my presence this weekend
  2. We didn’t jack down here in the ‘48
  3. And I feel that this is the crux of the problem, hubris. Mother Nature can, and will, win
  4. I must have been drunk as fuck because I don’t remember many negatives, other than not blowing Wyoming out. Yeah Bevo tearing up the logo was used way too much. Maybe our 10 years of suckage has caused me to be more laid back at games 🤷🏽‍♂️
  5. You’re gonna have to be more specific which fan base you’re talking about
  6. I fucking love the horns down. Fucking bring it motherfuckers
  7. I saw one post saying that Saban brought in portable AC units for the locker rooms but that Sark turned them off causing the locker room to be like a million degrees or something. I mean, do they even think about something for a second to assess if that even makes sense or is realistic?
  8. Buttsecks does not sound hot in that environment. There’s a lot of prep that needs to be done for that and I doubt any of that is happening out there.
  9. Texas fans can afford to sit wherever the fuck we want. Sorry they’re poor
  10. I didn’t necessarily say it better be a win or else. But yea, this is a defining game for him. Championship level coaches have their teams ready for these games. They may not always win, but they always show the potential for championship level teams. If we go in and shit the bed, that tells us everything we need to know about him.
  11. We’ll know everything we need to know about Sark and where he’s taking Texas Saturday night. This is a career and program defining game. I like Sark and hope he can put it together. We shall see
  12. I get that they’re being self deprecating, but it’s still not that funny
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