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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. So are now in official panic mode over the offense or what. I just need to know what to freak out about right now
  2. Definitely felt cooler and dryer early this morning. Has to put on a sweater
  3. I’m getting the itch to go. What are the travel options between Birmingham and Tuscaloosa? I saw Amtrak which might be the best option I guess at this point
  4. They’re in a tizzy over it over on texaggy. I haven’t followed any of this, like at all, because in the end am I going to vote for a fascist republican? Yeah no
  5. When it comes to violence, it isn’t so much them marching on Washington and taking over congress. It’s more of lone wolf violence towards those that are thought to be liberals, POC, the gay couple walking down the street, or possible assassination attempts
  6. Dark dark times ahead. The violence is inevitable at this point
  7. You think we wouldn’t get involved? Our history says otherwise
  8. Then he’s just a racist fuck instead of an old, racist fuck.
  9. Um wow. I think we’re just dealing with an old fuck. He’ll be dead soon enough and thankfully wont be able to vote. Such a stain on this country. But pretty much par for the course when it comes to racist, privileged fucks
  10. Not looking forward to getting back to the blastfurnace after spending a long weekend in Toronto
  11. No one is going to read a letter
  12. Religion is a scourge in humanity
  13. You mean the Congress where one body is controlled by right wing insurrectionists? LOL
  14. Tops enjoy poppers as well
  15. They MADE them commit crimes? That’s the party of personal responsibility we all know
  16. It’s incredible how much I hate republicans more everyday
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