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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Bitch you mean you wouldn’t be caught dead in those khakis
  2. Pretty proud of my fellow Americans. Sane people are sick of the gqp’s shit
  3. Take that shit to the football board! 😉
  4. And he did mention the prenup in a way that makes it sound like he wants to try and get her to reverse it or whatever since he has to work so much and can’t afford to just quit and be with her 100%
  5. I mean honestly, other than keeping the House and increasing Senate seats, this is the next best result.
  6. Oh honey, you’re where I was an hour ago. It’ll pass. It’s going to a runoff
  7. His political career has got to be over. Same with Abrams. Not sure what he’ll do next, but Abrams should continue with her work in energizing the electorate and getting younger people more engaged
  8. I’m just catastrophizing right now dont mind me
  9. Herschel Walker is going to win isn’t he
  10. Cuban Americans hate communism and the gqp constantly screaming about socialism and communism resonates with them
  11. I’m more irritated that those fractions aren’t reduced to their lowest common denominator
  12. Aphasia isn’t a problem with thinking. I have full faith that with therapy his speech issues will be corrected over time. But I know you don’t care about that. He had a D next to his name
  13. Why is he a shitty candidate? Thankfully I’ve missed his posts
  14. If you want to argue that democrats are terrible at messaging then yeah, they absolutely are. But if you don’t think that we are on the precipice of some truly dark days for our republic with election deniers on the cusp of taking over key positions, then you are just not paying attention. Or you don’t care because you’ve bought into the crime and immigration bogeyman
  15. And? You asked why so many wait until Election Day. Those are the reasons
  16. Procrastinators, but mostly it’s republicans that have been directed by the reich to vote on Election Day
  17. I’m curious what Cameron’s end game is. Probably tryna fuck Harper to show his alpha-ness over Ethan. But I think there’s more to it than that
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